2024 Ohio Reef Frag Swap

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Author Topic: School Site Visit  (Read 7298 times)

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Offline lazylivin

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Re: School Site Visit
« Reply #50 on: September 03, 2011, 10:59:31 »

Fish list above is great. To add how about a pistol shrimp and goby pair. Could be a good educational pair-up to teach about Symbiotic Relationship.

We could provide this type of information about the inhabitants and such via a laminated printed copy

"symbiotic" relationships:
There are three different forms of symbiotic relationships: Mutualistic, Commensal, and Parasitic.
In a mutualistic symbiotic relationship, both organisms benefit from the relationship. This is the type of relationship the Pistol shrimp shares with his goby friend.  In a commensal symbiotic relationship, only one of the organisms receives any benefit from the pairing, though the other organism is unaffected by it, either positively or negatively. In a parasitic symbiotic relationship, one organisms benefits at the other's expense.

Additional idea is Anemone (Home grown for health. hint hint micki :)) and clownfish. What other live inhabitants (easy to keep) would be educational?

Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Awesome looking, super hardy, active and doesn't hide like other shrimp and cool how it cleans fish


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