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Author Topic: Pests in Saltwater Aquariums  (Read 3396 times)

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Offline lazylivin

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Pests in Saltwater Aquariums
« on: February 22, 2009, 18:55:23 »
I know interceptor will kill Red Bugs after several treatments but will it also kill Acro eating flat worms and Montipora eating Nudibranches? I have been lucky up to this point but since I trade and buy stuff regularly it is a matter of time before I get one of these damaging pests or worse give a pest to someone else.

What I do now is dip in Kent Coral Dip which is just Iodine. I also break the coral off of the plug and throw it away so I don't get any unwanted algae.

After a recommendation from Aquavista I am going to start quarantining for a month or more. So even if I don't see anything on the coral want to treat anyway.

So interceptor only in QT or should I use something else?


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Pests in Saltwater Aquariums
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 19:57:50 »
Interceptor (mite killer for dogs) won't treat acro eating flat worms or monti eating nudi's...just red bugs.  Potassium Permanganate is the only current treatment for monti eating nudis.  Levisamole (pig de-wormer) is the treatment for acro eating flatworms. 

The above treatments are extremely risky (high death rate), so I wouldn't treat unless you've seen the pest.  I think the best thing is in a QT without treatment (other than flatworm dip) to watch for pests.

Offline Riderc82

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Pests in Saltwater Aquariums
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2009, 20:02:51 »
How do propagation facilities ensure they don't get all these pest in their systems?


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Pests in Saltwater Aquariums
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2009, 20:32:21 »
How do propagation facilities ensure they don't get all these pest in their systems?

HAHAHA...funny.  Most don't.  I know of only a couple "frag farms" that quarantine and/or treat yearly for red bugs.  It's too expensive and risky for many frag farms to perform.  What's worse are mari-cultured corals...they often have these pests. 

Pest control is a serious issue in this hobby, and thankfully our area hasn't been hit yet too terribly badly.  I know of a few cases of redbugs in the area, and I got monti-eating-nudis this time last year in quarantine (which is why I heavily recommend a QT tank.)  I haven't heard of any AEFW (acro eating flatworms) in the area yet...knock on wood.

If there's more interest in pest control, I wrote a few articles in the old Reef Briefs on it.  If we want to continue this, I'll split this thread...and we'll talk forever on it.

Offline verper

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Re: Pests in Saltwater Aquariums
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2009, 21:05:54 »
QT is your only real option (Big groan from many).  Even if your coral does not show any live pests after dipping, there may still be eggs on them.  No treatment currently out there takes care of the eggs of these pests.  QT lets these eggs hatch and then show the pests themselves, usually after 3-4 weeks.


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