Ohio Reef

Site & Club Forums => Just Arrived => Topic started by: Bellina on June 08, 2009, 10:55:21

Title: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: Bellina on June 08, 2009, 10:55:21
Well I have a 55 gal that is pretty basic you kno, rocks, mushrooms and zooanthids. My boyfriend was the caretaker of our tank but now it is my job and I really would like to keep it going and maybe add some more corals too it. I just have to figure out what I can keep lol.
Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: Aquatic Specialists on June 08, 2009, 11:10:39
Welcome Bellina, it's always nice to see new folks coming into the club. 
Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: TechGuy on June 08, 2009, 11:27:00
Need more info on your tank. Lighting? Filtration? Etc...

Welcome to the club!
Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: jd on June 08, 2009, 12:02:11
Bellina, give us your specs and we'll galdy help out! :) Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: stickboy_107 on June 08, 2009, 13:49:06
Hello and welcome. As you can see, everyone here is very friendly and always willing to help. Great bunch of people here on the site.
Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: jjw2121 on June 08, 2009, 15:07:37
Welcome.  Do you have any pictures of your tank???  We love pictures  ;D
Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: micki on June 08, 2009, 15:33:57
Welcome aboard!  As some of the others said, more information about your tank specs would help us help you!  :)
Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: Bellina on June 08, 2009, 16:59:48
I am very happy to see you all are so willing to help me! Its very reassuring.  I don't exactly know what you want as specs, I don't know much about my set up because I wasn't the one who took care of that part. Unfortunate events has left me with this setup and I like it very much I just need to know how to keep it going and maybe learn to make improvements in time.  The only thing I have really been doing here in the last few weeks is keeping and eye on my salinity and doing small water changes and doing some water testing once a week. I only have 2 fish in the tank and a few other little things they don't seem to be doing so bad, but it looks rather blah haha.
Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: Reefd Up on June 08, 2009, 17:30:57
I am very happy to see you all are so willing to help me! Its very reassuring. 

Whatever gave you the idea we'd want to help?  :laugh:  Just kidding. 

Ok, let's start small.  You said you're doing water changes and watching salinity.  What do you keep your salinity at?  How often do you do water changes?  I personally recommend 1.025-1.026 for salinity and 10% weekly water changes (unless you don't use a skimmer...in that case I'd do 15% weekly.) 

What is your water source?  Do you use dechlorinated tap water, RO/DI water, etc?

What are you testing other than salinity?  Anything?  Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, phosphates, etc?

We'll try not to overwhelm you...and stick with the basics for a while.  It's easy to get overwhelmed, especially when you weren't planning to be the full caretaker of a tank. 

Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: chromiumlux on June 08, 2009, 21:01:03
Hello and welcome!
My question is this. How old is the tank? or if you will, How long has it been set up and running? This will determine what you can add to it as you go along. I would recomend that you start researching any and all information you can get your hands on. This way you will know what everyone is trying to ask you about your tank. The reason for this is that every tank is different. It doesnt matter if you set up two identical tanks and stock them with the same corals and fish. If nothing has died since you adopted this tank then you must be doing the right things.That my friend is what you keep doing while you read, read, read about the types of corals and fish you have. Quite frankly, your zoanthids and mushrooms will let you know if your water paramaters are out of balance just by the way they look. Take your time and go slow with additions of livestock and remember that you are a steward of a small slice of the ocean. Water changes, salinity check---get a refractometer if you dont have one, and test water parameters. Once again, welcome.
Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: Blown76mav on June 08, 2009, 21:41:40
Welcome to the fun.  There is a wealth of info on here, just remember to take your time.  Where are you located maybe someone can swing by and help out, sometimes its better to talk face to face with someone.

Title: Re: new and wanting to learn a little.
Post by: Secondgen on June 08, 2009, 22:29:03
Welcome Bellina good to have you with us. :)