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Author Topic: 6 years and 2 kids later I’m getting back in  (Read 984 times)

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Offline jc333

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6 years and 2 kids later I’m getting back in
« on: August 03, 2020, 22:26:45 »
Hello everyone !!
I spent 10 years in the hobby, keeping mostly large freshwater tanks, at my peak I had 1200 gallons in my fishroom and a 1500 gallon koi pond. I had one reef tank that I was able to keep fairly healthy and fairly stable for about 18 months before I got out of the hobby. And then I had kids and took down almost all of may tanks, and sold the pond when I moved. I haven’t had any tanks running for 6 years, but my girls are now old enough I trust them to not knock a tank over or throw a ball through the  glass.

So I plan on re-entering the hobby with a 75-125g reef tank. I know a fair amount of things have changed in the hobby in the time I have been gone. I did nothing as far as keeping up with reading/looking online and I have stepped into a fish store maybe 3 times in those six years, so I am truly in the dark when it comes to new stuff. I am in the very beginning of planning and figuring out what I need to relearn, but my plan is to take it slow.

One question I have, so I can start prepping rock now so its ready for later — A lot of people used to talk about “nukeing” rock before starting a tank. If I’m not mistaken it included bleach baths and vinegar baths, and Im not sure what else. If someone could let me know what the best course of action would be, I would appreciate it.
I have more than enough rock to do my project, and it has been sitting dry in my basement ever since. So whatever I need to do to get it “usable” so its clean will be step 1. I have several barrels and stock tanks in the basement so I can start this process soon.
Step 2 I need to decide if I want to use the 75g I still have, or if I buy a 90,100, or 125
Step 3 build my rock work just right the first time, instead of throwing it together and never being happy (we have all been there)
Step 4 start cycling it (i will need some advice and pointers when this time comes)

Offline dbowman

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Re: 6 years and 2 kids later I’m getting back in
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2020, 23:28:08 »
welcome home.
there are those who want to have a very pristine tank with everything in it deliberately put there. others like to add used rock that is live with possibly hitchhikers on it. Dead rock is what you have. if it has been dry for years there is nothing living on it. therefore nothing to kill or cure. if you had this rock in your tank before you know if there were problems with it. if there were not i would not nuke it. I would soak your rock and rinse it well to remove any old debris.
 you did not say if you have a reef ready 75 or not. whether you were going with a sump? theoretically you could get a larger tank and use the 75 for something else. what is the plan?

after you decide what type of tank you wanted, lay out a template on the counter the size of the tank and build your rock-scape. if you want to build arches or need to stabilize it, do that in sections that can be moved once they are ready.


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