Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Inverts => Topic started by: Andrew on January 21, 2013, 16:02:32

Title: conch finally surfaced
Post by: Andrew on January 21, 2013, 16:02:32
I ordered some tiger conch snails a while back and the site I bought from threw in a free 4" queen conch and I have never seen it since I reluctantly put it in my tank after I didn't wanna just kill it. Every now and than I would hear a very loud banging sound that I thought was just the little tiger conchs but today the queen emerged from the sand for the first time in months after I thought it died and this explains why I can't leave frag plugs or anything on my sandbed cause everything would just be pushed over. Anyone want her? I tried to pick it up and man it extended its foot and gave a big kick and those suckers are strong.
Title: Re: conch finally surfaced
Post by: tidepool on January 21, 2013, 16:53:18
how about just putting her in the sump?
Title: Re: conch finally surfaced
Post by: Miles on January 22, 2013, 08:46:38
well that explains why i cant keep frags upright on my sand bed... I have a couple conchs (conches...conchi... what is the proper plural form?) that are very mobile....
Title: Re: conch finally surfaced
Post by: Twizted1 on January 22, 2013, 09:07:40
My concheses are the same way. Always pushing stuff around. They even push my clam. But I wouldn't be with out them. They keep my sand looking nice & clean.
Title: Re: conch finally surfaced
Post by: Travis8896 on March 12, 2013, 23:14:37
If you don't want her I'm in Wapakoneta I have a 90 gallon shed be happy in just let me know
Title: Re: conch finally surfaced
Post by: charlieweaver on March 12, 2013, 23:43:06
Ill take if off your hands. I live in Centerville where you located?