Author Topic: Club Bylaws  (Read 30296 times)

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Club Bylaws
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:37:35 »

Ohio Reef Club, Inc. (Ohio Reef) Bylaws


1.       The name of the organization shall be the Ohio Reef Club, Inc.

Board of Directors

2.       The Board of Directors, hereafter known, as the Board shall consist of 3 positions: 2 Officers and an Officer/Treasurer

3.       The Board shall be elected by the Premium membership by the 15th of November of each calendar year.

4.       The Ohio Reef Administrator shall be responsible for posting a dedicated thread in Members only Board on the Ohio Reef Website to request nominations of candidates to the Board. Nominations may be received and accepted by posting within the dedicated thread prior to the scheduled close. To be a candidate, a member must have attended at least two meetings within the previous twelve months, be a Premium Member of Ohio Reef for at least 6 months and a permanent resident of the state of Ohio.

5.       Each Premium member shall be entitled to cast three votes, one for each position. The candidates with the most votes shall be declared the winner.

6.       In the event of a tie, another vote between the tied candidates would be initiated. Each Premium member will get one vote. All Bylaws pertaining to electing a Board Member applies to second ballot. If, after 10 days it ends in a tie; the current Board will determine the elected board member with a majority vote.

7.       Members may be elected to not more than one Board position. However a Board member can hold another non-elected position such as but not limited to Site Administrator, Global Moderator, Frag Swap Chairman.

8.       The term of office of the Board shall be from one election until the next election. The candidates will be officially elected by the 15th of November and will officially hold the position starting January 1st of the following year.

9.       Elected or non-elected candidates are not barred from running for other positions or the same the position at the next election.

10.   Voting shall be by online ballot. If a candidate is unopposed, the vote shall be by acclimation. A voting poll must run at least 10 days so as to provide ample time for all Members who wish to vote to be able to do so.

Filling Vacancies

11.   Vacancies on the Board will be filled by Board appointment if less than 4 months before the next election. Membership will be notified of the vacancy. Vacancies that occur with more than a 4-month lapse before the next election will be filled by an online vote by the general membership.

Conduct of Business

12.   Board of Directors business shall be conducted at duly constituted meetings or through online collaboration. A quorum at such meeting shall be three officers. Board meetings may at times be open to the general members. Only Officers may vote at Board meetings. Each officer shall have one vote whether in person or by proxy. All issues shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast.

Lack of Quorum

13.   If the situation arises that there is less than three Officers in office, then those Officers shall continue to manage the affairs of Ohio Reef; but, they shall, at the earliest opportunity, hold a membership meeting to elect the vacant Director(s). In the event a situation arises where there are no officers than Ohio Reef affairs shall be managed by Site Administrator until an officer has been elected

Powers and Responsibilities

14.   The Board shall be responsible for the management of the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. Moderators of specific forums may consist of non-board members as determined by the Board.

15.   Constitutional changes must be a majority vote by the Board in favor of the change.


16.   The Ohio Reef Club, Inc. fiscal year will end on December 31st of each year. The Board shall establish: the membership fees, the fees for participating in the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. activities. The Board shall be responsible for the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. expenditures, and the general financial welfare of the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. Property or equipment purchased by the club with club funds or donated to the club shall be known as Club Property. In the event the club dissolves, Club Property and Funds shall be disbursed in a manner agreeable to the remaining members and in compliance to local, state & federal laws. The financial records will be open for viewing to any member in good standing.

The Ohio Reef Club, Inc. Officers

17.   The Board may appoint committees from amongst the Officers and/or the general membership

Duties of the Officers

18.   Provide leadership and supervision of Ohio Reef activities.     

19.   Act as an official representative and spokesperson for Ohio Reef Club, Inc.     

20.   Conduct Board Meetings.

21.   Conduct raffles at regular Western Ohio Reef Club, Inc events.

22.   Reconcile monies received for the raffle with another Board Member and turn it over to the treasurer if applicable. 

Duties of the Treasurer

23.   Keep a complete and accurate record of the financial transactions of the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. and make these available to the Board at all reasonable times      

24.   Prepare annual financial statement

25.   Ensure the safekeeping of the Western Ohio Reef Club, Inc. financial assets.      

26.   Attend to correspondence relating to the Western Ohio Reef Club, Inc. finances including payment of bills and annual IRS filings if applicable.         

Webmaster (Site Admin)

27.   Appointed by the Board

28.   Be responsible for the regular maintenance of the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. website.      

29.   Edit the website using judgment as to the suitability of submitted material.      

30.   Be responsible for promoting the Western Ohio Reef Club, Inc. over the Internet.      

31.   Assure that the webmaster plus at least one other designate by the Board have access and password to the Western Ohio Reef Club, Inc. website.    

Financial Transactions

32.   All checks or other documents transferring the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. funds shall be signed by an Officer.

33.   All expenditures greater than $100.00 must be pre-approved by the majority of the Board. All expenditures must be reported promptly online in the Treasurer Forum Board.

Membership Fees

34.   An individual joining the Western Ohio Reef Club, Inc. shall pay an annual fee set by the Board. The membership fee shall be established, and may be changed when deemed necessary by a vote of the Board.

35.   For special events, the Board may set entrance fees for both members and non-members. The Board may also limit access to certain meetings so that only members may attend.

Rights of Members

36.   To attend all regular meetings.     

37.   To participate in all of the Western Ohio Reef Club, Inc. activities.      

38.   To enter the monthly drawings for prizes when present at meeting.      

39.   To vote on any matter put before the membership.

Commercial Activities

40.   No one shall undertake commercial activity at the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. meetings, events, or facilities to promote their own commercial interests, (where commercial interests shall be activities undertaken with the purpose of making money) without approval of the Board of Directors. This restriction, however, shall not prevent members from participating in commercial activities, such as advertising in the Western Ohio Reef Club, Inc. publications, providing such opportunities are also available to non-members. The standards required to become a sponsor is to be established by the Board.

Dissolution of Ohio Reef Club, Inc.

41.   The Ohio Reef Club, Inc. can only be dissolved by a vote of the membership.

42.   Property or equipment purchased by the club with club funds or donated to the club shall be known as Club Property. In the event the club dissolves, Club Property and Funds shall be disbursed in a manner agreeable to the remaining members and in compliance to local, state & federal laws.


43.   By joining the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. or participating in the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. activities, or reading the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. publications, an individual agrees to hold the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. and it’s Board Members harmless for any loss, harm or consequential damage, no matter how caused, resulting from the individual being a member of the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. or participating in any the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. activity, or acting or omitting to act as a result of the information or advice received from the Ohio Reef Club, Inc. meetings, individual members, activities, or publications. [url=][/url] is the website for The Ohio Reef Club, Inc. ; a non-profit organization that does not in any way warranty or guarantee the accuracy, availability or maturity of content contained on this site or other sites Ohio Reef Club, Inc. links to. Use Ohio Reef Club, Inc. at your own risk

