Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Pests, Nudsiance Algae and Prevention => Topic started by: wayne on May 15, 2006, 11:02:45

Title: Ich?
Post by: wayne on May 15, 2006, 11:02:45
Not my tank, thank God!  A person here at work just walked in with a tube of water.  He recently setup a saltwater tank and purchased a yellow tank.  He said he noticed some white flakes on the tang, so he caught it and dipped it in freshwater, and put it back.  In the freshwater were these white/opaque scale looking things, which he brought a sample of.  I've never seen ich first hand, but these don't look like tiny white cysts that I would associate with ich.  They are larger (maybe 1/8"), flat, almost look like scales.  Never minding what he did to the tang  :o, anyone know what this is and is it something he should be concerned about?

Title: Re: Ich?
Post by: Joel on May 15, 2006, 11:50:07
that sounds like trematodes. They are a large fluke parasite. Often freshwater dips will solve the problem but it might take a few dips over several weeks. It is not common for yellow tangs to carry them. Angels, butterflys, tangs of the acanthrus genus, triggers, bat fish and groupers get these flukes real easy. Traditional copper meds do not fix this problem. A stronger organophosfate is needed. Fluke tabs from aquarium systems works well.