I’m having a slow day at work, so I've decided to try to throw together a thread of my 65g show setup. Hopefully the photos I've got here on my phone will suffice.
My equipment is as follows:
65g reef ready show
55g sump
20g frag tank
10g fuge
Mag 12 return
AquaC EV120 w/mag7
2x200w heaters
20x3W cree leds
To give everyone a little of my history, I bought this 65g tank ready to go in 2002 for $100. I was fresh into college and an aspiring marine biologist, so my interest wasn't solely recreational. I found out real quick, however, that the many aspects of reef keeping made it an excellent hobby, and this build was pretty much unaltered and up and running for almost 9 years. The only upgrade I made during this time was the addition of a diy metal halide setup, which, years later was the nail in the build's coffin. By that time, my interest in the hobby had faded some, but I was still devastated when a fan failure in the canopy cooked the tank. I tore the old girl down and it sat in the garage for over a year. After several attempts to sell it, I decided in 2012 to set it back up with the help of my younger brother, who had been inspired to join the hobby a couple of years earlier. What follows is my progress since.