Looking for a complete setup ready to go? I am potentially moving soon and looking to sell my entire setup as its too much to transport along with an entire household full of stuff.
I have a 75gal tank drilled with an Eclipse overflow box, custom stand with removable front panel and hinges on side doors for easy access. Two Ocean revive lights, eshopps RS200 sump, jaebo DC 4000 return pump, cone s skimmer with new pump, BRS 300w titanium heater with inkbird controller. DJ style power switch. 10gal freshwater tank with ATO. 5 stage RO/DI unit with new filters (DI is about halfway spent) and a 32gal brute trashcan on wheels with float valve. 2 buckets of reef crystals salt, mixing pump, extra heaters and misc items needed to get you going.
1 black clownfish 3in
1 orange common clown 2in
Blue hippo tang 4in
green mandarin goby 2in
Lawnmower blenny 4in
Blood red shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
Various snails and hermit crabs
All rock which is extremely well established
RBTA anemones approx 30
Green star polyps
Fireworks cloves
Green toadstool
Red hot setosa
Green mushrooms
Starburst sunset montipora frags
John Deere lepastrea
Rock flower anemones
$800 for everything above.
Also have a 6mo old Ecotech MP40qd with anemone guard that I will sell along with it for an additional $200.
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