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Author Topic: My First Cycle  (Read 1697 times)

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Offline Octula

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My First Cycle
« on: October 12, 2018, 20:22:27 »
So with my little 10 gallon tank, I did as instructed and added a bottle of Bio Spira and one cooked Shrimp to get the cycle started. It has since been a little over two days and I checked my levels just a few minutes ago.

High Range pH = 8.0

Ammonia = between 0 ppm and 0.25 ppm

Nitrite = around 1 ppm

Nitrate = about 160 ppm

Knowing the Ammonia and Nitrites would go up with the shrimp in there, however contrary to that the ammonia seems to of dropped, and the nitrite went up compared to what they were before I added the shrimp. The Nitrates went up as well but to my understanding that is to be expected when the Ammonia and Nitrites go up. Im sorry if I'm not understanding the correct process for this and keep asking questions, but this is the only way I'm going to learn.

So my question is this:

Do I remove the shrimp now that the Nitrite and Nitrate has spiked but not the Ammonia or wait until the ammonia spikes as well.

Offline SweetReefOH

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Re: My First Cycle
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2018, 22:15:49 »
I would suggest that you do some research on the natural nitrogen cycle in aquariums to get yourself familiar with what to expect.

I believe BioSpira prevents ammonia from reaching toxic levels. So .25 is good but it’s not done ‘cycling’ til it’s 0. Since you’re getting a good nitrite reading, I would take the shrimp out. However, I’m curious as to how you’re getting a nitrate reading that high already. At any rate, just wait and keep testing until you have no ammonia and no nitrite readings. Then, do a 50% water change to get your nitrates down and then add a fish or two. But be sure to keep testing to make sure the ammonia and nitrite don’t spike again.

Offline redtigeroh

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Re: My First Cycle
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2018, 22:23:11 »
Here is a very short article on LiveAquaria.com about the Nitrogen cycle.


Be patient and give the cycle time to work.  You must be sure that "nitrite" is at zero before adding creatures.  You really should give the system several weeks before adding creatures.  I killed many fish when I first started in this hobby many years ago, because I didn't let the systems cycle long enough.

Offline Octula

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Re: My First Cycle
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2018, 22:27:12 »
I appreciate the help, I now have 0 ammonia and nitrite. Tomorrow though I will have to change it some water to lower nitrate. So far everything else is going fine. Hopefully within the next week I'll be able to add fish. If not I'll wait till the water is perfect.


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