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Offline Miles

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150gal Tank Rehab
« on: March 14, 2018, 22:24:50 »
Since my son was born in Dec of 2016, my tank has been pretty neglected and a few issues have gotten way out of hand. This year my goal is to turn the tank around and make it better than it ever was.

My tank has three main issues that I am planning to solve, and probably some other bonus items.

1. Bad Aiptasia issue
2. Algae Outbreak (both cyano some sort of algae that covers the glass very quickly)
3. Need a low maintenance dosing solution that doesn’t involve constant testing and adjusting.

On to tackling the issues...
1. I ordered a Copperbanded Butterfly from Lazy which I’m hoping will solve my aiptasia issue. My only concern here is that I don’t want to end up with an fish that refuses to eat anything else.

2. I discovered Ecotech Marine’s CoralLab reports about a week ago and just straight up copied the profiles used by Worldwide Corals for my Vortechs and the SPS lighting profile in the report on the Coral Wholesaler. I’m hoping that this will help some with my Algae problem. I was running a photoperiod that was almost 12 hours long, it simulated sunrise and sunset, but the CoralLab report stressed a much shorter photoperiod of 7 hours with an hour up ramp up/down. After running this new profile for a few days, I already see improvements in polyp extension on my LPS and the glass isn’t getting covered as quickly. I also took a big leap and purchased a commercially available turf scrubber (I could have made one a lot cheaper but I’m going for spending less time... not more). The turf scrubber was broken during shipping, but was easily fixable with some Weld-On (BRS was pretty cool about it, they refunded me 15% , treating it as an open box deal). I started it up tonight and functionally it seems to work.

3. The solution to my dosing “problem” hasn’t been worked out yet, but I’m heavily leaning towards getting a calcium reactor.

 Bonus projects:
1. I need to come up with some sort of stand to hold my turf scrubber.

2. Been having some issues with my ATO being unreliable. It has been dumping the entire reservoir (45gallons) at once. Upon initial inspection, one of my float switches had a connection that had corroded. I fixed it but had the same issue a few days later. I tested all the ports on my DIY Apex breakout box and they are all fine. I have now decided that it is still probably the float switches because the wiring is not waterproof where I had to extend it to reach the breakout box. I’m going to replace them with switches that install through the sidewall of the sump to ensure that none of the wiring ever comes in contact with water.

3. Setup new phytoplankton and rotifer cultures so that I can start raising clownfish again.

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« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 22:35:24 by Miles »

Offline Miles

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150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2018, 22:30:31 »
Some pics of the turf scrubber..

This light is supposed to be attached to the main body... there was a slight leak where it broke off.

Up and running...

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« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 22:37:21 by Miles »

Offline Agame43

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2018, 21:02:46 »

Miles, you have a very nice work list ahead of you but looks very approachable. Good catch on the Breakout box, I had the same issue, took some time to find as well. My ATO pump would dump a lot into my tank but after a closer look I found that I had a corroded spot on my breakout box that would let the pump to on but unreliable off mode.

Good Luck with the Turn around effort!!!

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2018, 19:25:01 »
Got the new float switches installed today and let the ATO fill, no problems so far.

New float switches are the black ones... old ones are he white ones (have been removed since this pic was taken)

EDIT: This is an explanation of my trouble shooting process that I attempted to submit to Neptune Systems on the NSI application but was too long for the field.

Recently my ATO system failed. It had been working flawlessly for about 5 years, but it started to empty my entire reservoir (about 45 gallons) into the sump. This isn't a huge problem when it happens because i have a emergency drain and the change in water volume in a system that is normally around 370gallon isn't enough to cause a drastic drop in salinity, it was just inconvenient.

My first step in trouble shooting was to check the Apex graphs to determine how long the pump outlet was staying on... it was still on :|

The next step was to open up my DIY breakout box and using my multimeter, testing the continuity of all the connections to ensure that moisture hadnt caused anythign to corrode. Everything was fine here too...

The next step was to test the two float switches individually. They gave intermittent readings. I figured out that the point where I had extended the leads to connect it to the break out box (soldered and heat shrink tubing) had corroded. The heatshrink had become dry and brittle.

Initially I cut the bad piece of wire out and resoldered the connection but ended up still having issues.

The final fix involved purchasing new float switches of a different type. I had originially used vertical mount float switches with wiring the was in the sump. I switched to horizontal mount switches and drilled holes to mount them in the side of the sump. This fix keeps the wiring from ever coming in contact with water.

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« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 08:35:33 by Miles »

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2018, 19:06:45 »
Starting to get some growth on the turf scrubber...

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Offline Miles

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150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2018, 09:30:20 »
Was thinking that maybe I need a little more flow across the bottom of my tank to keep detritus/algae from building up on the sand bed.

I have a couple of Jebao WP40s that I purchased before I got my EcoTechs and the Apex adapter for them that I never got to work. So I decided to figure out why I couldn't get the Apex adapter to work before.... turned out to be a pretty simple fix. I have CAT5e that runs from the Apex in the basement to a wall jack behind the tank on the main floor, turns out I crimped one end of the connection and my dad did the other end... someone appears to be partially colorblind.... 

Now my Apex can control my WP40s.... now the only problem is programming. Since they run off the variable speed ports programming within Apex Fusion is rather annoying. You have to set up profiles on the controller itself and then use Fusion to set up when those profiles run. I would like to try and find some profiles somewhere that emulate the Ecotech modes.

Another issue is that the WP40s will not run at speeds less than 20%, so I need to figure out a placement where they aren't blowing sand everywhere, but still getting the junk on the bottom suspended up into the water column.

I don't think they need to be running all the time, probably just run a pulse mode a few times a day.... any one have any suggestions or ideas here?

« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 10:38:11 by Miles »

Offline Humphrey

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2018, 19:22:34 »
Don’t climb in that toadstool might eat you,

Offline Miles

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2018, 21:34:12 »
Don’t climb in that toadstool might eat you,

lol... my clowns host in it. I have found that toadstools make very good surrogate nems. You don't have to worry about them eating your fish or moving around the tank.

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2018, 23:13:12 »
I love it. They look great when they get big.

Offline Miles

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2018, 14:22:10 »
So my aiptasia plan fell through... The CBB that Lazy ordered for me didn't make it through QT.

Fortunately, I found a great deal on the LiveAquaria Diver's Den today for a bonded pair of Bristletail Filefish (aka Aiptasia Eating Filefish) (https://www.liveaquaria.com/divers-den/product/399127/biota-captive-bred-bristletail-filefish-bonded-pair) and I had a few other fish that I wanted to pick up (some Banggai's, a clown to replace one that was killed when my tanksitter overfed my small tank, and a Lawnmower Blenny and Gramma for the small tank).

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2018, 08:55:09 »
My fish order came in yesterday... lost a Banggai in the first 6 hours, but other than that everything seems fine. The filefish are much smaller than I was expecting (but honestly I didn’t really know what to expect)

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Offline Miles

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150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2018, 09:10:44 »
Looks like the clown in my small tank is a huge jerk... the new clown lasted less than 24 hours... everything seemed great, then the lights went out and i found him dead the next morning. I think I may have lost another Banggai too... but now I have 4 that have seemingly paired off and are living on opposite sides of the tank, so I'm not too upset about it.

The filefish seem to be doing really well, they are smaller than a lot of the aiptaisa in the tank, so we'll see how that goes. I spent way too much time looking for them in the tank because they blend in so well...

Offline Miles

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2018, 08:32:34 »
This past week has been really weird when it comes to fish in my system....

The pair of Banggais that has chosen the left side of the tank, killed all the other Banggai's over the course of a few nights. The clownfish that had been living alone in the small tank killed the new clownfish. I then found one of the file fish dead a few days later....
Then last night I went to feed the clownfish in the rack in the basement and noticed that one of my black photons was missing.... found it dead (and bloated) under a rock....

LiveAquaria refunded me for all the banggai and the clownfish, which really surprised me, even after I gave them the whole story.

Dear Miles,

Thank you for your recent order with LiveAquaria. We sincerely apologize for the death of the specimens. We appreciate you contacting us right away so we may compensate you for the loss.  While we will not cover losses due to gross incompatibility, i.e. placing a small fish in with a large grouper, in this case there is a reasonable expectation for all of the specimens to be compatible and we will cover these fish. At this time, we ask that you dispose of the remains as you see fit.  We have issued a refund of $56.52 back to your original method of payment for the loss of the specimens. Thank you for choosing Drs. Foster and Smith for your live aquatic needs. You are a valued customer and we look forward to hearing from you in the future.

All of the deaths make sense to me except for the Photon... and now it kinda makes me concerned since I have lost a Black Darwin and 2 Chromis in the last 4ish months....

In other news, Neptune Systems has just released the standalone head unit for the 2016 Apex, which is something that I have been waiting for for a long time. I'm unwilling to pay for the whole 2016 system at once since I have already invested so much in the Apex Classic so just the head unit allows me to be able to use all the new modules as they come out and it gives me the option to buy the EB832 at a later date. So, I'll probably pick up the head unit soon...

Offline Miles

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2018, 11:07:54 »
So I ordered the new Apex head unit yesterday, should be delivered tomorrow... So I got to thinking today, that since I'm going to be running the new Apex system, the Trident (auto Alk, Ca, and MG monitor) may be a cheaper easier option than investing in a Ca Reactor. Having automatic tests being performed, I think it would be much easier to maintain 2-part doing than it would be to be tweaking a Ca reactor.

Offline SweetReefOH

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2018, 14:33:10 »
Just a note, the DOS doser in conjunction with Fusion, in my opinion, is the easiest (although not the cheapest) 2 part dosing system.

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2018, 14:47:47 »
Just a note, the DOS doser in conjunction with Fusion, in my opinion, is the easiest (although not the cheapest) 2 part dosing system.

Yeah... the DOS in conjunction with the Trident is a best case scenario because I'm assuming that you can probably do some sort of "set it and forget it" with the two where the Apex will self regulate. But honestly even with the BRS dosing pump you should be able to basically accomplish the same thing, but I don't think auto dosing based off the Trident readings is really necessary. As long as you are keeping track of the test results, you should be able to tune it in pretty fast and self adjust. 

Offline SweetReefOH

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2018, 15:02:17 »
My experience is that on the weekends everyone is home and that causes my pH to drop pretty significantly which in turn slows my consumption of alk and calc. If I don’t adjust the dosing, my alk will go up too high by Monday. The awesome thing about the Fusion/DOS combo is that you just open the doser and click the amount you want to dose(for a particular time slot you have established) and then send it to the apex. Takes about 20 seconds. With a BRS doser, you’d be going in there and removing or adding programming constantly. That doesn’t sound fun. Again, this is just my experience. I will be purchasing a second DOS when I get the new build completed.

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2018, 15:07:25 »
I probably will pick up a DOS at some point... the combo of the DOS and the Trident are right about the same price as buying a Ca Reactor....

Offline SweetReefOH

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2018, 15:12:46 »
Ya, that’s gonna be a dream combo...

Offline Miles

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2018, 08:10:48 »
Got my new Apex head unit and transferred everything over....

but now I am experiencing a weird situation where my Return pump keeps getting shut off. Whenever the return is set to auto, the WoFDwn switch reads closed after a few seconds and then shuts down the pump, but there is no water on the floor.... kinda stumped. Here's the code, anyone have any ideas?

Code: [Select]
Fallback ON
Set ON
Defer 003:00 Then ON
If WoFDwn CLOSED Then OFF //Water on Floor sensor downstairs
If WoFUp CLOSED Then OFF //water on floor sensor upstairs
If FeedA 000 Then OFF
If FeedB 000 Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF
If FeedD 000 Then OFF
If Power Apex Off 000 Then OFF

EDIT: I think I may have figured it out... I think that water on floor sensor is dirty, or has gone bad.... I had a statement in my Text/Email alerts that deferred for 2 minutes to prevent me from getting false positives on alerts. I removed that statement and I started getting alerts every few seconds from that sensor being Closed... so it is toggling back and forth. Guess I'll have to take a look at it this evening.

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« Last Edit: April 05, 2018, 08:36:12 by Miles »

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2018, 07:59:17 »
Used some rubbing alcohol to clean the water on floor sensor, and the spot on the floor where it sits last night, and haven't had any issues since.

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2018, 15:19:50 »
Took the leap and bought a Calcium Reactor from BRS during their Black Friday sale. Now I need to figure out what I need to tune the output to. I let it run for several days at about 20mL/hr drip rate and now my Alk level is way high. I think I need to put some more coral in the tank to prevent my Alk and Ca levels from getting too high :P

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Offline Miles

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2018, 16:48:15 »
For those who may have missed my facebook post the other day....

Aquarium Data Analysis: Looks like it’s time to add another heater to the sump in the basement. Cold weather makes my basement even colder. The severe drop at the end of the graph was caused by a water on floor sensor upstairs giving a false reading (should probably replace that...) which causes the Apex to shut down the return pump just in case there is a leak (preventing the sump from being pumped dry and adding additional water damage to my homeowners insurance claim). This temp drop shows that the main tank upstairs is actually heating the sump in the basement. Ordered another 500W heater for the sump from Bulk Reef Supply this morning. #NeptuneSystems #Apex #AskBRS

I added another 500W heater to my sump last night, ended up hooking up an EB8 for my Apex that has been sitting around unused. I put the EB8 on a different circuit from the rest of my sump to ensure that I don't go tripping any breakers when both heaters kick on along with my return pump, heater in my mixing container, etc.

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« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 16:53:26 by Miles »

Offline lazylivin

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2018, 00:24:10 »
Try wrapping your sump in insulation. It can help greatly. And if you can put foam between the floor and sump.

Offline Miles

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Re: 150gal Tank Rehab
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2018, 07:58:39 »
Try wrapping your sump in insulation. It can help greatly. And if you can put foam between the floor and sump.

That’s a good idea... I need to do some sump work. I need to either replace my stick tank with something new or figure out a better way to integrate everything that I currently have. When I figure out what I’m doing, I’ll definitely have to make sure I put foam under it.

I’m also going to have to stop by your new place when you open and pick up some hard to kill frags

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