2024 Ohio Reef Frag Swap

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Author Topic: Concerns for our hobby  (Read 1000 times)

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Offline Joel

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Concerns for our hobby
« on: February 08, 2022, 12:07:54 »
I did a quick search and didn't see where this has been discussed here so if it already has, I apologize in advance. 

Very last second amendments were made to the lacy act - COMPETES Act, H.R. 4521 it has already been passed by the house of representatives and is next going to congress. If this goes through, it's pretty much the end of our aquarium hobby as well as hobbyist who keep other "exotics". All fish imports will be banned and even breeders here in the states will be banned from transporting animals across state lines.   We can not rely solely on the industry to counter this, there are steps that we as individuals can take to protect our hobby be it donating to PJAC or just contacting your congressman to protest. I've seen things like this come and go over the years but this one is serious!!!

Just about every company I purchase from has expressed concern about this bill so I don't believe this is just hype or overreaction.  Look up HR 4521 to learn more, Contact your senators office or congressmen and tell them to vote no on HR 4521

Check out these links for more info as well




Thanks - Joel


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