Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Water Chemistry => Topic started by: Viggen on August 23, 2011, 20:14:55

Title: Chlorine, how long b4 it's gone?
Post by: Viggen on August 23, 2011, 20:14:55
This isn't reef related but pond related.  Just finished most of the plumbing & I am wondering how long it takes before chlorine is gone w/o adding Amquel or Dechlor to the water?  I want to add my fish to the pond but want to be sure the chlorine is gone.... or should I go spend $30 on a bottle of dechlore/amquel to treat the 3,000 ish gallon pond?

I can circulate the water however my bog filter isn't done yet.... haven't really started on that part of the project
Title: Re: Chlorine, how long b4 it's gone?
Post by: lazylivin on August 23, 2011, 20:35:28
It should disapate in a day or two.
Title: Re: Chlorine, how long b4 it's gone?
Post by: Viggen on August 23, 2011, 20:36:42
cool.... that's what I though/hoped...... thanks