I suppose reefing wouldn’t be reefing without some challenges....
The wife was out of town for work a couple weeks ago for a couple weeks so I neglected the tank a bit while dealing with the kids solo. After she got home I went downstairs the next evening to clean things up a bit and noticed quite a few of my montis looking bad. Took a few frags out to inspect and found the bottom of one coated in monti eating nudis. I’ve dipped everything I’ve put in but I must have missed an egg while inspecting.
The combination of montis dieing and loosing my tang before all this has led to some slightly elevated nutrients and algae growth. I’ve had around a dozen of these whitish green tube things grow out of some of the liverock and I’ve never seen these before.
Anyone know what these are? EDIT. Neomeris annulata I really hope this doesn’t take over

And a full tank shot for fun