Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Fish Breeding & Coral Propagation => Topic started by: ~reefchik~ on January 18, 2011, 10:22:40

Title: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: ~reefchik~ on January 18, 2011, 10:22:40
So I knew somehow that this day would come <<sniff sniff>> but I just didn't expect it quite so soon.... :-Cry

My toadstool (sarcophyton) has reached maximum size for the tank and the cap is floating at the surface. In addition the stalk is twisting due to the amount of strong current in the tank - don't know how long that can continue without it twisting itself right off somewhere.

Knowing that sarcs put off some nastiness when fragged, and given that I do not have a frag tank set up anyway, what would you guys suggest? I know HOW to frag this guy but I'm very concerned that cutting it all up inside my display tank might prove fatal to some of my SPS or LPS.

Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: TechGuy on January 18, 2011, 13:15:57
Is it on a rock you can remove? If you can remove it. Fill a bucket with tank water, and trim it in the bucket. Have a LFS or someone ready to receive frags. You can cut with a pair of sterile stainless scissors.
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: ~reefchik~ on January 18, 2011, 20:10:13
That would be the easy solution.  You obviously don't know me well enough to know I never do anything the easy way, when there is a complicated, PITB way, Todd  ^-^  Heheh.

But of course it's growing on the largest piece of base rock in the tank.  That's why I'm scared to start cutting it up in the tank.  The only other option would be slice it right through the base and then remove to another big container to do all the fragging.  I'm not entirely sure you can chop off a sarc at the base and have it survive.  Do you know?
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: TechGuy on January 21, 2011, 20:25:54
That would be the easy solution.  You obviously don't know me well enough to know I never do anything the easy way, when there is a complicated, PITB way, Todd  ^-^  Heheh.

But of course it's growing on the largest piece of base rock in the tank.  That's why I'm scared to start cutting it up in the tank.  The only other option would be slice it right through the base and then remove to another big container to do all the fragging.  I'm not entirely sure you can chop off a sarc at the base and have it survive.  Do you know?

Yes you can! But then you have the pain in he rear of getting it reattached. If its huge, its just that much harder.

Cut it in tank, with fresh carbon running, and a water change ready.

I have never had the issue with softys being toxic, however, I only have on large Sinulara.
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: Kenn on January 21, 2011, 21:17:54
Could you post a pic of this "Monster"?  :)

I just want to see it
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: ~reefchik~ on January 22, 2011, 22:32:32
From this lil bitty thing back in 09

to This:   (https://ohioreef.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fhunnybuns.eaph3.com%2Fshare%2F90Reef%2Ftanks722021.JPG&hash=8f714beae2239bf80e1b7dd950ad4649a22c8a19) 

Which was taken last July (2010) along with the next photo


Now picture THAT all the way at the top of the water level with the trunk almost another inch in diameter (because I have no recent shots of the healthy coral in all it's glory)

And this is what it looks like today (sorry about the window reflection) >>  (https://ohioreef.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fhunnybuns.eaph3.com%2Fshare%2F90Reef%2Fsarcjan2011.jpg&hash=e26b66d9305b12cf83007c87f0c3e096e466ee71) 

It's VERY unhappy.  I accidently tore the middle of the top (forget the actual name -capitulum or something like that?) a couple days ago trying to get some GSP off a rock behind it, and it is moping.  I really think I'm just going to bite the bullet and cut it off at the base and get it out of there.  Now with damage, I'm really concerned for the health of the rest of my corals. 

Check out this snippet I found while browsing tonight:

In fact,  Sarcophytons  are producers of over fifty different chemical compounds, many of them unknown and of uncertain chemical makeup..... Specifically, the toxin of this coral is called sarcophytoxide. Sarcophine is another terpenoid toxin isolated from  Sarcophyton glaucum.  These compounds are so effective that in almost no cases will stony corals be unaffected by them, and growth inhibition, local necrosis and death usually ensue contact of  Sarcophyton  corals. In other words, in a war between soft corals and hard corals, the soft corals will almost invariably be victorious.

Given this information, and the obvious complications that arise in a close system aquaria, it should not be surprising that there are beginning to be many reports of mysterious unexplainable recession of stony corals in tanks housing large specimens or many types of soft corals. Some stony corals seem infinitely more sensitive to the terpenoid compounds of Sarcophyton . Others seem comparatively unaffected. However, the obvious zonations that occur in the wild should be carefully considered, and it is my opinion that soft corals and hard corals should be minimally intermixed, if at all. Sarcophyton , being considered a highly toxic species, does not seem to be a wise choice for displays with stony corals. ....Sarcophytons are exceptional corals that are fast growing, hardy, and reproducible. This makes them highly desirable, but just as we would not keep a parrotfish with our stony corals, Sarcophyton deserves similar respect for its own health... and the health of all the other inhabitants in the tank. The risk of one damaging other corals or killing fish is not worth the selfish motivation to keep all the species of a reef within one display. At least for me, leather is not optional.

Eric Borneman (Eric Hugo)
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: lazylivin on January 22, 2011, 23:39:53
Oh my goodness that is HUUUUGE.
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: HUNGER on January 23, 2011, 01:44:28
holly cow batman
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: micki on January 25, 2011, 14:36:39
If you aren't going to frag it but take it out completely, I would be interested in it!
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: ~reefchik~ on January 26, 2011, 20:48:36
Micki, I'll let you know.
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: micki on January 27, 2011, 07:31:25
Thanks Reefchick!
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: ~reefchik~ on February 22, 2011, 15:12:26
Nice to meet you today Micki.  Hope that bad boy behaves for you! (sarc is sold)
Title: Re: Monster Sarc needs attention soon
Post by: micki on February 22, 2011, 16:29:41
Nice to meet you too Steph! It's in it's new home!