Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => For Sale => Topic started by: ~reefchik~ on February 07, 2011, 14:33:29

Title: Getting feelers only 90 reef tank possible sale
Post by: ~reefchik~ on February 07, 2011, 14:33:29
Life has somewhat blown up in my face again  :( :(  and there's an excellent possibility that I will have to sell all my tanks soon.

Right now, as I make some tough decisions going forward, I would like to know if there's any chance in heck that people here might be interested.

Here's what I have:

90 AGA with external overflow and sump (see my tank profile)
at least 2 10s which have been FW breeder tanks or feeder holding tanks
20 gal AGA with 2 clown loaches and 2 avocado puffers (FW)
20 gal AGA (newish) with 1 Figure 8 Puffer (brackish)
10 gallon AGA brand new frag set up.

Of course the FW tanks come complete to setup again (filters and extras).  Most are planted.

Again, just trying to gauge interest.  Might let a couple of the FW or brackish tank go right now regardless.
PM or post here, doesn't matter  :)  Thanks.
Title: Re: Getting feelers only 90 reef tank possible sale
Post by: ~reefchik~ on May 22, 2011, 20:33:19
Ignore this post...or mods feel free to delete.