Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Reef Discussion => Topic started by: 213chrisp on March 12, 2011, 12:20:32

Title: 29G setup testing water
Post by: 213chrisp on March 12, 2011, 12:20:32
So i think i finally am going to upgrade and get my 29G tank i have had sitting here for some time empty into a saltwater tank. I currently have a the tank , homemade maple stand my grandfather made,just like a iron stand setup. And i am going to be putting right behind my oversized chair in the living room which will block off the enterance and the living room area. Items i currently have
29g tank
55g water heater
36" Current USA 96W PC light (but missing mouting bracket)

Thoughs on rest of equipment?????? any input would be be great

20L as the sump (if it will fit in the stand that i have currently.
mag 5 return pump
protien skimmer? yes/no and what to look for here?
is lighting in the sump needed and what should i do there?
overflow box?

of course the usual 25lbs LR and sand will be needed.

Am i missing anything and i want to run no canopy on this since it will be seen from both sides of the tank, so i was going to put the LR in the middle of the tank and make it like a full display setup. just not sure how to plumb the feed and return lines and where to put overflow box at.
I will try to get some pics of the setup sitting where its at so you can get a good idea of what im refeering too.

any input is best, and im trying to do this as cheap as i can get away with, as i dont have a tone of $, like everyone else it seems, and ill be looking for mainly good used parts to keep the cost down. and the lighting i already have so thats a huge plus.
Title: Re: 29G setup testing water
Post by: Seano Hermano on March 12, 2011, 13:13:05
So i think i finally am going to upgrade and get my 29G tank i have had sitting here for some time empty into a saltwater tank. I currently have a the tank , homemade maple stand my grandfather made,just like a iron stand setup. And i am going to be putting right behind my oversized chair in the living room which will block off the enterance and the living room area. Items i currently have
29g tank
55g water heater
36" Current USA 96W PC light (but missing mouting bracket)

Thoughs on rest of equipment?????? any input would be be great

20L as the sump (if it will fit in the stand that i have currently.
mag 5 return pump
protien skimmer? yes/no and what to look for here?
is lighting in the sump needed and what should i do there?Will your sump have a refugium? This is used for "exporting nutrients." In a fuge, most people have macro algae such as chaeto and a DSB. Some people also hae extra rock, which collects detritus. "pods", which eat detritus will come in the cheato(hiding place for them) and they will culture/reproduce in the refugium. A simple spiral 6500k CF bulb w/ a clip on reflector will do the job just fine.

If you don't want a refugium, then the only light you need is just enough to see the sump if you need to work on it.
overflow box?
If you are willing to drill the glass tank, I bought athe Super Nano Overflow from www.glass-holes.com (http://www.glass-holes.com) for $45. it comes with the dril bit and bulkhead. If you are uncomfortable with driling, your LFS may do it for a small fee or you can get a HOB overflow from Eshopps.

of course the usual 25lbs LR and sand will be needed.

Am i missing anything and i want to run no canopy on this since it will be seen from both sides of the tank, so i was going to put the LR in the middle of the tank and make it like a full display setup. just not sure how to plumb the feed and return lines and where to put overflow box at.
I will try to get some pics of the setup sitting where its at so you can get a good idea of what im refeering too.

I put my OF box in the back, right corner of the tank. I'll put a picture up in a bit to show you what I mean. It could also go in the middle(back).  I would put my return line over the back of the tank, from the return pump.

any input is best, and im trying to do this as cheap as i can get away with, as i dont have a tone of $, like everyone else it seems, and ill be looking for mainly good used parts to keep the cost down. and the lighting i already have so thats a huge plus.
If you have any other questions, just ask.
Title: Re: 29G setup testing water
Post by: 213chrisp on March 12, 2011, 14:21:26
i was thinking of putting the overflow on the side of one side, and the return output on the other side. so it leaves the front and back open and free for viewing.
Title: Re: 29G setup testing water
Post by: Seano Hermano on March 12, 2011, 15:02:36
That's exactly what I dide with mine.
