Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Pests, Nudsiance Algae and Prevention => Topic started by: The WuSue on December 16, 2011, 17:21:47

Title: Zoas and LPS having polyp issues in JK's tank.
Post by: The WuSue on December 16, 2011, 17:21:47
First off, JK is my father.

Second, yes his tank looks much better than ours currently does..

Third, we can't figure out what's going on with his polyps. His tank is right on the money for most parameters.

Salinity 1.025
Calc 400
Alk 10.5
Mag....I forgot that one
Nitrate/rite at zero as well  as ammonia
He doesn't have a phosphate test, but his algae is minimal so I didn't think it that important to check.

He does have a threadfin butterfly and a coral beauty that were my primary suspects (nipping) but that doesn't seem to be the case.

He feeds all sorts of food (in moderation) and his skimmer is worth it's salt and then some.

The weird part about all of this is that his SPS, various other mushrooms, candy canes etc are doing great...

Anyhow, here's some pics...
Please help.



Title: Re: Zoas and LPS having polyp issues in JK's tank.
Post by: The WuSue on December 16, 2011, 17:23:54
He called when I was posting this and informed me that the guy at Jack's in Springfield told him it was a phosphate issue and told him to get their phosphate pads to fix it... I'm not planning to argue that simply because those pads aren't a bad idea everyone in a while.
Title: Re: Zoas and LPS having polyp issues in JK's tank.
Post by: Wall_Tank on December 16, 2011, 20:26:02
I would check the phosphates before doing anything.  The other corals in the pictures are a bit more sensitive to phosphate that most z's and p's.

If nothing else has changed in the tank lately, I would suspect a predator.

Title: Re: Zoas and LPS having polyp issues in JK's tank.
Post by: The WuSue on December 16, 2011, 21:04:15
Back to my original theory then... I'm thinking that if he sat down for a few hours and watched, the culprit should show themselves.
Title: Re: Zoas and LPS having polyp issues in JK's tank.
Post by: Kenn on December 16, 2011, 21:16:21
Whats his temp running ?

And just FYI ...check the phosphate yourself. I had a problem with them a while back that didn't show up as an algae problem because my tang and blenny had it under control in my tank ( my assumption)

Also check for stray voltage in the tank.
Title: Re: Zoas and LPS having polyp issues in JK's tank.
Post by: Steve on December 17, 2011, 01:32:54
The Auriga Butterfly is definately not reef safe.

Notes: The Auriga Butterflyfish is one of the easier butterflyfish to keep and is a beautiful addition to the community aquarium. They do well in small schools and can be kept with other butterflyfishes. Make sure to provide several hiding places where it can retreat.

Not recommended for the reef aquarium because it will pick at a wide variety of soft and stony corals, zoanthids, anemones, and invertebrates.

This is from Vivid Aquarium.
Title: Re: Zoas and LPS having polyp issues in JK's tank.
Post by: The WuSue on December 17, 2011, 17:50:42
He got a phosphate pad and turned on his UV sterilizer. I'll bring my salifert test over tomorrow so we can get an accurate test.  I'll tell him about the butterfly, but unfortunately that's his favorite fish and I'm not sure I can get him to take it out...

Dunno, I'll keep  you posted.
Title: Re: Zoas and LPS having polyp issues in JK's tank.
Post by: coral ranch on December 17, 2011, 19:19:47
+1 on the butterfly I have yet to find an auriga that did not nip corals if not down right destroy them.
Title: Re: Zoas and LPS having polyp issues in JK's tank.
Post by: DarinSchmidt on December 18, 2011, 12:02:20
+1 Coral Ranch

There arent any 100% reef safe butterflies that I am aware of, but some do well like the copperband and some other long nose butterflies. Same with the Coral Beauty, they are prone to nip at stonies and soft corals.