Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Water Chemistry => Topic started by: Blazinreef on February 21, 2012, 22:51:16

Title: Low dKh....Again...
Post by: Blazinreef on February 21, 2012, 22:51:16
So I constantly struggle with a low dKh, and I believe it is what leads to my troubles with SPS.

Calcium 508
dKh 6.16
pH 8.17

I ordered some kalk mix and I am going to mix it up and add some to my ato to see if that helps raise things up a bit.  I also have a pH swing from about 7.98-8.25. 

Kalk should be here tomorrow, so we will see what happens.

On a side note, I am also going to be removing my biopellets and going back to gfo.  When I first started with them they all stated how they lowered phosphates.  Now everything says they lower nitrates and help with phosphates.  I still have some algae problems, and when I ran gfo I never had a problem.  Hopefully these couple fixes take care of the headaches.
Title: Re: Low dKh....Again...
Post by: Neogenesis on February 22, 2012, 00:36:07
I seem to be having the same problem, although I can't call it chronic yet.  I've been mixing up a straight alk buffer and dripping it.  I'm hoping to use a dosing pump soon so I can be a little more accurate.
Title: Re: Low dKh....Again...
Post by: buckeyereefer on February 22, 2012, 07:21:24
 the PH isn't that big of a swing. is it low before lights are on? then raise ?
Title: Re: Low dKh....Again...
Post by: Wall_Tank on February 22, 2012, 08:04:06
For what is is worth, when running biopellets....you wanted your dKH on the low side, in the 7-8 range.    But 6 is too low.

What do yo have in your system that is taking up the ALK?    Check your Magnesium, if it is real low, that can cause Ca/Alk balance issues.