Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Water Chemistry => Topic started by: TheNewTrend on September 10, 2012, 19:43:03

Title: IO or RC
Post by: TheNewTrend on September 10, 2012, 19:43:03
I am wondering if there is any downside to using Reef Crystal salt with a fish only or FOWLR tank? will i be making the tank "dirtier" with more nutrients essentially increasing algae blooms \ etc... ? just thought if i used reef crystal salt i wouldnt have to worry about my alkalinity,magnesium and calcium so much would it be good with helping me grow corraline algae thats the main reason i want to use rc.
Title: Re: IO or RC
Post by: kattz on September 10, 2012, 19:47:38
None that I'm aware of.
Title: Re: IO or RC
Post by: Wall_Tank on September 10, 2012, 19:50:26
If you are not going to have corals, then IO will be just fine.   You will get enough ca and alk from the water changes........ unless you are going to try to get your rocks completely covered in coraline, then you will most likely have to use a reef salt, and possibly CA/Alk/Mg additives to keep the coraline fed.
Title: Re: IO or RC
Post by: Viggen on September 10, 2012, 19:51:53
I have a fowlr..... My corraline algae is growing/spreading like crazy...... I use I/O

Always thought r/c is goof for reefs..... But not needed for fowlr

Title: Re: IO or RC
Post by: Boonjob on September 10, 2012, 20:08:55
agree with all the above

Not needed but wont hurt...just pricier...

The coraline will grow with either... there is enough in IO to support Coraline by its self, if you up that demand(lots of CUC, a calcerous coral here or there) your gonna need to switch as paul state or dose.
Title: Re: IO or RC
Post by: TheNewTrend on September 10, 2012, 20:10:43
k thanks . what range would i want to keep my cal/mag/alk in to grow coralline and keep it feed and i also have a current nova extreme that takes like 8 bulbs. what would be a good mix of bulbs to grow coralline by the way it is for a 75 gallon tank if that matters and how long should i leave the lights on for the coralline. sorry for all the questions just want to get it right
Title: Re: IO or RC
Post by: Boonjob on September 10, 2012, 20:11:54
Here yo go sir, all you will need to know on water perimeters to get started... and then some.

http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-05/rhf/index.php (http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-05/rhf/index.php)

Just doing your frequent water changes as you stated you plan on doing in your other post will keep your nutrients where they need to be with a fowlr. no need to dose until your up to a reef and up your ca/mg/alk usage.

scratch that, that wasn't you... either way it still holds true
Title: Re: IO or RC
Post by: TheNewTrend on September 10, 2012, 20:34:06
Thanks a lot