Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Reef Discussion => Topic started by: smoothie7 on April 27, 2015, 22:48:30

Title: Dosing Vitamin-C Potential Issues
Post by: smoothie7 on April 27, 2015, 22:48:30
I dose Vitamin C in our tanks weekly. Picked up a new bottle a couple weeks ago and used it for the first time. My last bottle had a brown color to it and this bottle seems to be almost clear. Should I have a fear of using it?
Title: Re: Dosing Vitamin-C Potential Issues
Post by: Steve on April 27, 2015, 23:57:20
I would contact the manufacturer.
Title: Re: Dosing Vitamin-C Potential Issues
Post by: smoothie7 on April 28, 2015, 10:40:12
Here is the response that I received from Brightwell Aquatics:

Thank you for your inquiry.  There is no issue with the different Vitamarin-C bottles.  The yellow coloration is due to the age of the ascorbic acid we used.  It tends to get yellow as it ages, but there is otherwise no difference or problem with it.  We ended up getting a new supply of the acid between the time your first and recent bottles were produced.  Please feel confident using your new bottle of VTC.

Sounds like I'm good to go. I am very impressed with the response time that Brightwell Aquatics showed. I sent them the email last night around 9PM and already received an answer.