Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Fish => Topic started by: apelaston on June 10, 2008, 11:52:19

Title: FireFish & Yellow Watchman Goby in love....... ?? lol
Post by: apelaston on June 10, 2008, 11:52:19
K seriously....my yellow watchman and my firefish have become an inseperable pair. I thought at first when they were sharing a tunnel in the rock it was just coincidence...nope. Since then the yellow watchman who has never dug in the sand has been tunneling under another rock and i only see him out when the firefish is out swimming. Well yesterday it seemed that the tunnel was completed and they both moved out of the old rock tunnel, the blue damsel promptly moved in, and now last night both were literally side by side in the sand under a rock. I could see them...and yet today they are out and active together...the yellow watchman chases away the other fish who get close to the firefish and he sits 'watching' the firefish from the sand. I have even seen him swimming in the water for the first time since i got him and guess who was accompanying him across the whole tank--yup  the firefish..

I thought i would tell you guys because other people thing i am crazy when i try to explain why i am starin at these two fish who prob. shouldn't have any sorta personal relationship other than tank mates. I guess I don't need to try and get him to pair up with a pistol shrimp now atleast and don't have to hear clickclick clickityclick all the time lol