Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => For Sale => Topic started by: rEd86 on March 27, 2009, 23:42:27

Title: SAND Power Buy
Post by: rEd86 on March 27, 2009, 23:42:27
Greetings.  I made this post on the CincyReef web site and Logzor suggested I post this here to see if anyone at Ohio Reef would like to participate.

I am in the process of setting up my new 700g. I need to add about 600lbs of sand and all the play sand I have found in the area contains silica. The sand found at a LFS is great but I can't afford it with all the other purchases I have to make. Another CincyReef member mentioned that he might know a source for some Caribbean aragonite sand and would need a lot as well.

We found a great source for bulk Caribbean aragonite sand but the catch is we have to order it by the TON. (1 ton = 2,000lbs) So we are putting together a personal sand power buy (this is not associated with ANY club) and we are inviting everyone to participate. The sand arrives in large burlap bags (1,000lbs each) and it's a BYOB offering. (Bring Your Own Bucket) So we are trying to see if others want to take advantage of this buy. This will be 50% cheaper than what you typically find at your LFS.  The sand will be delivered to north-west Cincinnati and can be picked up from there.

The prices is $25 per 5 gallon bucket if we get 2 TONS and drops to $20 per bucket if we get 3 or more tons. We weighed a 5 gallon bucket and it holds about 56lbs of sand.

So post a reply if you are interested in this and how much you want.


Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: aquavista99 on March 29, 2009, 01:30:08
Welcome to Ohio Reef, Ed! I am looking forward to your 700g build thread. For anyone who needs sand, this sounds like a great deal.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: Amstar on March 29, 2009, 09:54:39
when would this buy be? 
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: gregsayers2000 on March 30, 2009, 20:44:59
Its an outstandind buy. Just priced similar sand at Jacks and it was $23 for 20 lbs. This is $20 or $25 for more than twice the sand.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: JSLeedy on March 30, 2009, 21:15:58
What color is the sand?  When are you planning to buy?  Where are you located?  How much are you planning on right now based on the responses you have gotten.  I think I might be in for about 250 pounds.  Assuming it fits my needs.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: verper on March 30, 2009, 21:21:53
You can get 40lbs of reef grade sand at PA for $25, so its an ok deal.  A great deal was when Steven Pro brought in bulk sand and was selling 5 gallon buckets for $10-15.  Of course that was a year or so ago.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: jeblin on March 31, 2009, 10:28:24
right now he's at 19 more buckets to go to hit the 2 ton mark. I think he (along with most of us who are getting in on it) is hoping to hit the 3 ton mark and get it down to $20/bucket. From the picture I got, it appears to be finer than the special grade reef sand from Premium Aquatics ( http://www.premiumaquatics.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=C-RSAND40&Category_Code= (http://www.premiumaquatics.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=C-RSAND40&Category_Code=) ).
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: rEd86 on April 03, 2009, 19:27:59
Sorry guys.  I was out of town this week and didn't get any emails that there was activity on this thread.  As jeblin pointed out, we are already at the 2 ton level and are quickly approaching 3 tons so we'll likely be down to $20 a bucket. A photo of the sand is as follows:
The goal is to wrap this up by Sunday the 5th of April at 6:00pm.

At $25 a bucket, we're almost 30% less than PA and over 40% less @ $20 a bucket.  I think that's a pretty good deal.

I will see if I can get more details on where exactly the sand will be delivered.  (north west side of Cincinnati is likely) 

JSLeedy - I think we'll be REAL close to hitting the 3 ton level if you're in for 5 buckets.  Let me know if you're still interested.

Thanks everyone.

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: rEd86 on April 03, 2009, 20:40:43
JSLeedy just put us within FOUR buckets of hitting our 3 ton goal, which puts this buy at $20 a bucket!


Title: Re: SAND Power Buy - $20 a 5 gallon bucket
Post by: rEd86 on April 04, 2009, 10:13:12
OK, I just got off the phone with Kevin and we have passed three tons and still have a lot of interest so we are going to extend the deadline a little bit so everyone can get on board with this purchase.  We are now hoping to hit four tons on this order.  It's not likely we'll hit six tons, which is where the next price drop would be so the price will be $20 per 5 gallon bucket (approx 56 lbs).

We think we'll be storing the sand at Kevin's house so he will be around for convenient pickup.  We'll select a day that someone will be around all day and you can bring your bucket to pick up your sand.  I will post when we have confirmed this and you can PM me for the exact address.

We are also trying to coordinate regional resources that can pick up sand for other members like Ohio Reef or CORA so that you will have a closer pickup point that's more convenient.  Let me know if you can be this resource for your area.


Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: micki on April 04, 2009, 10:25:40
We are thinking of changing the substrate in our 150, I'm wondering if this would be the time!  :) 
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 05, 2009, 00:17:36
It is the time!

Also, I bought 2 buckets from Steven Pro at the cincy frag swap and he was selling it for $20 per bucket.

We are thinking of changing the substrate in our 150, I'm wondering if this would be the time!  :) 
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: micki on April 05, 2009, 00:19:22
Unfortunately, it's not the kind I need...  :(
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: rEd86 on April 06, 2009, 11:40:29
OK, I wanted to give everyone an update.  We're at 118 buckets = 6608 pounds (56lbs a bucket)
25 buckets to go for 4 TONS

I will confirm with Kevin the exact address where this can be picked up, as well as an ETA on when we are hoping to place the order and get everything in.  We think we can do a partial TON if we don't hit the full 4 TONS so with any luck the order can be placed this week.

Thanks for your consideration.

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 06, 2009, 22:07:51
Everything is up to date please click on the link and find my latest post. It has all the up to date info and your totals. Money is due within seven days.

http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&p=95859#p95859 (http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&p=95859#p95859)

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: Baggerhog on April 07, 2009, 16:27:55
I may be interested but I am currently banned from cincyreef so I guess I wont be buying any of this sand for a RDSB. Good luck hope you guys get to the 4 ton mark.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: Amstar on April 07, 2009, 16:35:00
instead of no soup for you... its

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: ohioreef on April 07, 2009, 17:11:26
instead of no soup for you... its



Start calling you the "Sand Nazi".
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: rEd86 on April 07, 2009, 19:09:19
I may be interested but I am currently banned from cincyreef so I guess I wont be buying any of this sand for a RDSB. Good luck hope you guys get to the 4 ton mark.
You don't have to have an account on CincyReef to participate in this.  Just post how much you want on the thread here and we can add you to the order.

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: pontiac2002gtp on April 07, 2009, 20:32:29
I'll take 4 buckets.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 07, 2009, 20:53:56
You have been added. Please go to this link and look for my post. It will have everyone's total. Payment is due soon. So check the link asap. http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&p=95859#p95859 (http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&p=95859#p95859)

This buy is still open to EVERYONE. Even if you are banned from cincyreef. We want everyone to benefit from this power buy. That is why it is an unofficial power buy involving many different clubs. If you are banned let me know here and I will give you your total and talk to you on this board.


I'll take 4 buckets.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: Blown76mav on April 07, 2009, 20:57:02
any idea on delivery date, I know your waiting on money.  Just looking for a rough est. so I know if I should commet to this or just pay extra and get it when I need it.

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 08, 2009, 23:08:59
I plan on ordering the sand on Monday 13th. I should take delivery on the sand in about a week from then around the 20th or so.
any idea on delivery date, I know your waiting on money.  Just looking for a rough est. so I know if I should commet to this or just pay extra and get it when I need it.

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: JSLeedy on April 09, 2009, 21:18:11
Who or where are you ordering the sand?  Just want to make sure it is the quality of sand I am looking for.  Also how is the sand giong to be delivered?  Is it going to be in 1 ton bags or dumped in a huge pile?  Thanks for your quick response.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: verper on April 09, 2009, 21:28:44
Don't know about the other stuff, but it will be brought in large 1000 lb bulk bags.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 09, 2009, 22:07:05
The sand is going to be delivered in 2000 pound bags on skids. The quantity of sand you order is what you will get. The sand is from a wholesaler in the south. I do not have any data on the sand other than I know 10 people who have this sand in their tank with no issues. I am setting up a 500 g tank with a lot of sps and Ed is setting up a 700g tank with lots of sps. If I had any doubt about the quality of the sand I would not buy so much of it. Also the sand is from the Bahamas near some reefs.I hope this helps.
Who or where are you ordering the sand?  Just want to make sure it is the quality of sand I am looking for.  Also how is the sand giong to be delivered?  Is it going to be in 1 ton bags or dumped in a huge pile?  Thanks for your quick response.
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 09, 2009, 22:18:46
I have updated the first post in this thread http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&st=0&sk=t&sd=a. (http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&st=0&sk=t&sd=a.)  It reflect the most current info that I have including payment info. If you see anything that is not accurate or you want to be counted out (with no hassle) on this powerbuy please let me know. More than half of you have already paid. Thanks!! The rest of you will you please do it soon so I do not have to spend a bunch of time on Easter trying to finalize this order! I am ordering this sand on Monday. If I do not have your money by Monday 13th at noon I will not order your sand!
Do not miss out 
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: jeblin on April 11, 2009, 10:45:59
Just a bump for this....the sand is going to be ordered on Monday afternoon. If they don't get your payment by noon, then you are not going to get your sand. I sent mine this morning. Thanks guys for getting this together.

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 12, 2009, 14:11:36
Thanks Jerry!
Its not too late to get in on this order. You can paypal me the money and have your sand next week! See the updated list here. http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&start=0 (http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&start=0)

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 13, 2009, 20:48:51
Great news!! The sand is ordered and should be at my place on Friday April 17th. You can pick up the sand on Saturday the 18th any time between 8AM and 9PM or Sunday the 19th by appointment only or other times by appointment. Let me know when you want to come and get it. Please come as soon as possible. I do not want to store 6000 pounds of sand in my garage for very long! check out here for my address http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&p=96202#p96202 (http://www.cincyreef.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13781&p=96202#p96202)
Remember it is bring your own bucket!!
Also, If you want someone to pick up your sand for you-- you must post here or PM me who will be picking it up for you.
If you need or want more sand please let me know as we had to order some extra to get the discount (about 8 buckets worth).
Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 17, 2009, 23:50:29
The sand has arrived!! Come and get it!

Title: Re: SAND Power Buy
Post by: kgerbus on April 19, 2009, 22:24:24
For those of you who have not picked up your sand I need you to come and get it soon! Not quite half of you have come and got your sand! I will be around Wednesday and Thursday after 6:30. Let me know when. Do not just come over.