Ohio Reef

Reef Discussion => Pests, Nudsiance Algae and Prevention => Topic started by: rayviv on May 15, 2009, 09:12:08

Title: zoa trouble number 2
Post by: rayviv on May 15, 2009, 09:12:08
 What are nudis? And do you dip even if you dont see any problem. (Please, excuse my jumping in. Should I have ask this elsewhere?)   
                  Sincerely, Ray
Title: zoa trouble number 2
Post by: larrynews on May 15, 2009, 09:46:31
no problem with jumping in, i have not notice anything other than the one batch, and i have had them for several months, could just be one of those things that happen
Title: zoa trouble number 2
Post by: rayviv on May 15, 2009, 10:19:26
I have a zoa that looks dead and another that doesn't look its best and I'm not seeing the growth that was there  several weeks ago. I wonder if my halides need changed. I cant tell anything by looks but my bubble tip has gone to surface of water and seems to like it there. He was close to bottom until one day he started to wander and didn't stop for days and then ended up where it is.
Title: zoa trouble number 2
Post by: joelbegt on May 15, 2009, 22:50:58
I wouldn't do a freshwater dip if you think its more of a fungus rather than a pest.  I dip all of my colonys/frags right before they go in my tank.  I just use fresh r/o matched to the tank temperature. Get the colony to close up (wont hurt if some stay open), and place it in the freshwater for about 3min. or so.  during the last min. i try to swish the colony around in the water and dip it in and out of the water to dislodge any loose material. freshwater will pretty mush take care of any pests.  A fw dip WILL NOT help with a fungus.

I have a zoa that looks dead and another that doesn't look its best and I'm not seeing the growth that was there  several weeks ago. I wonder if my halides need changed. I cant tell anything by looks but my bubble tip has gone to surface of water and seems to like it there. He was close to bottom until one day he started to wander and didn't stop for days and then ended up where it is.
I've had zoas live in a rubbermaid container with no real light for about a month so i dont think lighting would be the issue.  That is just my opinion though.  I would test the water to see if there is another issue besides the bulbs.  how long since you changed bulbs? 
Title: zoa trouble number 2
Post by: rayviv on May 16, 2009, 11:43:47

I've had zoas live in a rubbermaid container with no real light for about a month so i dont think lighting would be the issue.  That is just my opinion though.  I would test the water to see if there is another issue besides the bulbs.  how long since you changed bulbs?
I've had the bulbs 7-8months. I've ordered more and they should be here in 3-4 days. I've put my light from the 180 0n the 90 for now. Will let you know in a few days if light was problem.  Thanks