2024 Ohio Reef Frag Swap

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Author Topic: Understanding the photography triad: ISO, aperture and shutter speed  (Read 1921 times)

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Offline Bucknutz

  • OH-IO
  • Posts: 1,542
Have you ever wondered how people take those amazing photos of their aquariums?

As aquarium owners, we are often very proud of our creations and want to capture them in pictures. Perhaps it’s that Acropora that you’ve been growing, or that fish that you love so much. Photography is a great way to document and digitalise your day to day hobby activities. Photography is an art, and there is no right or wrong. What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a phone or digital camera, and as long as it brings you happiness, that is all that matters.

However in this day and age where fancy high-tech SLR cameras are getting more prevalent, knowing a thing or two about them might not be such a bad thing after all. Perhaps your neighbour or a friend has one and you’ve been thinking about borrowing it for your own use, but don’t quite know how to get around using it. Here are some little helpful notes that you may find useful for photography in general. Throughout this post there are many examples of subjects not related to just the reef aquarium, emphasising that the rules and theories can be applied in any scenario on any subject.

Read more: http://reefbuilders.com/2014/11/12/basic-reef-photography-101-work-camera/


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