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Author Topic: Bare bottom or not?  (Read 3830 times)

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Bare bottom or not?
« on: November 16, 2008, 11:21:45 »
I have done a bit of searching on the site and some others on the topic of bare bottom tank vs. sand and I was wanting to get fresh input on the topic. Not sure if this is the correct area or not.

I was thinking of removing by means of siphon the sand in my tank and putting it in a 5.5 for a remote DSB. I have eggcrate in the tank now that will remain for weight distribution. I have also considered scattering crushed coral just to help hide the eggcrate until the coraline started to cover. The questions and concerns that I have are as follows:

1. Will my SS starfish still manage or will he need to be moved into my refugium?
2. Most of what I have read is to remove sections of the sand at a time? Is this needed in order for things to re-establish or can it be done in one time since it will still be part of the system?
3. Will the nassarius snails be better served still in the display or moved to the DSB and fuge?
4. What are your thoughts, personal and experienced on any gains or losses on doing such a move?

Any additional feedback on things that need to be addressed are much appreciated.


Offline CoralBeauties

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Re: Bare bottom or not?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 18:31:47 »
When I set up my new tank I went pretty much bare bottem.  I went with a remote 5 gallon bucket full of sand to work as a nitrate filter.  I did put maybe an inch or so of crushed coral in the front of the tank just for looks with my rock work on the glass.
  With the remote bucket you dont need the snails or the starfish.  I did place a sand bed into my sump which is alot easier to manage and could still house your snails and star. Without the sand in the tank I dont have to worry about the bed building up with detrius and possibly going bad.
  I have been seeing some red slime algae lately but am not sure where the source could be.


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Re: Bare bottom or not?
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2008, 19:49:14 »
OK thanks for the input Jeff. The only reason I asked about the critters is because I do not want to kill them. I do have sand in my fuge as well so maybe that would be a better place for them? I have no trouble leaving them in the display as well if it is ok.

Offline verper

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Re: Bare bottom or not?
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2008, 19:54:01 »
1. Have to be moved to the fuge
2. I would think you have less chance of creating a large amonnia spike by moving it in increments
3. Have to be moved to the fuge
4. Gains would be that, in theory, you would have a cleaner tank.  But if you still have the same materials in the same system, would it be any different?  Another gain would be that you could crank up the powerheads without the sand blowing around.    Several losses are the "look" of a reef tank, no wrasses that sleep in sand, and no snails like nassarius or fighting conchs in the display.

Offline lazylivin

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Re: Bare bottom or not?
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2008, 20:27:02 »
Sometime back I saw pictures of someones tank that had bare bottom and ricordea growing all over it. It was very cool.

Offline UDJustin

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Re: Bare bottom or not?
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2008, 22:30:08 »
have you tried using a skimmer dave? ;D
If you didn't know I'm kind of a big deal...


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Re: Bare bottom or not?
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2008, 21:31:14 »
Just an update...

I have since removed roughly 35lbs of sand from my tank, leaving only enough to cover the egg crate. I put all of the extracted sand into a 5.5 and set it up as a RDSB. The SS starfish remains in my display and seems to be doing ok. I also took the opportunity to re-scape the tank for what I hope to be the final time. The tank is still skimmerless  (Justin, Joel) and with any luck will remain as such. Thanks for the input. I hope to have pics up some day, I just need to get my lazy butt out and get a new battery.



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