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Author Topic: DIY BioCube 8 Filter Pads  (Read 3658 times)

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DIY BioCube 8 Filter Pads
« on: January 01, 2010, 14:51:02 »
JD's awesome thread on DIY filter socks inspired me to make a filter for my BioCube 8 setup at work.  It's been modded, so the normal filters for it do not work, and I needed something to filter water and a good place for carbon/GFO without adding more equipment to the tank.  So, here was my idea:

I made a pattern to fit one of the compartments in the setup, then cut the pattern out of felt.  Luckily, JoAnn Fabrics had a remnant that was damaged, so I was able to pick up 1/2 yard of felt for $0.66.  :) 

I needed a way to determine which filter pad contained GFO or carbon, so I set the bobbin to either brown or black (for GFO or carbon, respectively) depending on which I was using.

I then sewed mostly around the pad and left an opening to fill it up.  Unfortunately, my sewing machine is older than the redwood forest, so it doesn't make the fancy edge stitching like JD was able to do, so I just used the zig-zag switch.  Seemed to work fine!

I filled up the pads with GFO or carbon, and sewed the opening closed. 

I've made about 4 so far (2 of each) so I can rotate them out on a weekly basis and just throw them away.  I'll see how it works on Monday.  :)

Offline HUNGER

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Re: DIY BioCube 8 Filter Pads
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2010, 21:05:44 »
nice good

Offline jd

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Re: DIY BioCube 8 Filter Pads
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2010, 22:33:05 »
Looks great Nikki! I'm glad I inspired someone to do something positive for once!

I got my edges using a simple stitch, I simply turned the sock inside-out after I was done :)
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Offline woltersb

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Re: DIY BioCube 8 Filter Pads
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2010, 07:44:55 »
How are these working? Also does the water flow over it much? Right now I have the stock long skinny one that is right next to the two intakes. What do you run in yours now? Sorry for all the questions I just got a biocube. Also how did you modify your system? I have the Biocube 14

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Re: DIY BioCube 8 Filter Pads
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2010, 14:14:25 »
These are working great!  About 50% of the water flows through them (the BioCube 8 is designed for some water to go through the filter, then the rest to go around.) 

Will bought my BC8 for me as a birthday present from someone on here already modified.  The center "sump" chamber black covering was cut out, and one of those flourescent stick-anywhere lights was added to make it a place to grow macroalgae.  The bulb burnt out shortly after I got it, so I just converted it back into a place for LR.  I think that was all that was done to it.  Since it's at my work, I don't do much with it.  I'm limited to how many power outlets I can use, how much power I can draw, fire marshall has to inspect it, and taking stuff in & out is a pain...so it just kinda sits there. 

Offline woltersb

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Re: DIY BioCube 8 Filter Pads
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2010, 14:18:00 »
Ok.. mine didnt come with a filter to fit in that spot... It only came with the long skinny one. I cant even find a filter online for them? Have any idea?

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Re: DIY BioCube 8 Filter Pads
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2010, 14:24:53 »
Mine was supposed to come with the long skinny filter, but since it was used, it didn't.  Yours didn't come with that center plastic piece like above with some filter-floss in it? 

I think Phishy Business carries those filters...and I think Premium Aquatics might too. 

For alternative solutions, I occasionally would get those HOB filters (the square pocket ones) and rubberband one around the outlet pump at night (so I didn't have to look at an ugly filter in the tank).  I cleaned it out daily...worked pretty well.  Or, you can make something similar to the HOB filters.  Get some plexiglass or acrylic, cut it to shape like the original skinny filter and a lot of holes in it, then sew a long skinny filter pocket...and add GFO or carbon if you want. 

Offline woltersb

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Re: DIY BioCube 8 Filter Pads
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2010, 14:32:23 »
I will have to go home and look, It just came with the long skinny filter, and a blue sponge like thing down by where the pump is. Also has the bio balls which I want to replace with the live rock at some point. I will have to get some felt and make some.. How does running the GFO help?


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