2024 Ohio Reef Frag Swap

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Author Topic: back wall  (Read 1495 times)

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Offline Shep

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back wall
« on: March 27, 2011, 16:33:21 »
I would like to create a couple of back walls for my bow front corner tank. I have read many threads about foam and rock and some about foam only. I have cut the egg crate to fit sungly between the bottom of the tank and the top lip. I used the egg crate to frame around the overflow box and the PVC for the return (making them essentially invisible). I have several PVC fittings arrayed on the egg crate for caves and swimthroughs. As I set out to buy some base rock to incorporate into the foam wall I began to wonder if instead of foam I could cover the egg crate and PVC with Aragocrete instead of using foam. There are some pros and cons to both:

Pros - light weight, inexpensive, relatively realistic looking after covering with sand while epoxy is still wet, very little as far as curing time
Cons - don't know what to expect as far as life expectancy, tries like hell to float

Pros - will not try to float, very realistic looking,
Cons - (although it makes good rocks) don't know how it holds up in a relayively thin application like a wall covering PVC pipes and overflow box, significant curing time (up to 6 weeks), and more work than foam...
none of  the threads I have read have been from Ohio Reef and I was wondering if anyone had any experience, good or bad, with either method...

as always, any and all input is appreciated...



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