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Author Topic: Future school locations / possible builds...  (Read 2210 times)

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Offline Boonjob

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Future school locations / possible builds...
« on: September 22, 2011, 11:49:30 »
I am in the process of securing two new tanks and stands for the school projects... the tanks I am after are 2 55gallons with stands, and possibly another 46 gallon w/stand....

I was thinking one of these tanks going to W/C as Todd stated they showed some interest... The others could be open to suggestion (perhaps Miamisburg, as I am still speaking with them on and off about the topic)   I think W/C would be a great location as they are year round... so we wouldn't have a very large gap of several months of inactivity... we would just have a couple weeks every now and then.

I want to avoid overburdening the LFS with new requests for donations on these tanks, so I will coordinate with Todd, as to whome he has queeried for support.

Just thinking aloud: (feel free to comment good/bad)

- Thinking of running these tanks skimmerless(going with an ATS) to avoid a larger upfront cost. Darin want to comment on your current setup/success?

- See if lowes or home depot would like to get on the donation list for plumbing parts/lights etc.

- Maybe see if we can't do a panacake breakfast or spaghetti dinner as a club in half with a church? proceeds would be split 50/50 between us and the other organization(church). Our share would go directly into the aquarium for that local school... Also see if a MFG/supplier would want to match our share of the proceeds if we spent the funds through them... would be nice if they did as we would be effectivelly getting all purchased equipment at a % off relavent to their matching.

- Ultimate goal would be to get a tank in as many classrooms as we can, but perhaps see if we can achieve 1 tank build a year to start?

- Consider getting this concept out to the public, (youtube,newspaper etc) Not for our fame, but rather just to draw in more supporters for the builds, hopefully make things go a little smoother...Maybe set up a dedicated site for the builds where people can see pics,status,update, maybe even live footage of the tanks/builds they can also make paypal doantions directly to the schools through this site, it would also give our donators some publicity as we would directly list who was part of each build; providing a form of advertisement for them.

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Offline cyberwollf

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Re: Future school locations / possible builds...
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2011, 12:04:51 »
Is a 20H too small for a class? I have one and an old stand that are laying around.  Dont really have heaters or filters for it, but it can goto the project if wanted.. Maybe make a sump of it?
75G Mixed Reef w/ 30G sump/refuge

Electrical Engineers do it on impulse, with faster rise times, with more power, and less resistance at higher frequencies, without shorts, until it Hertz

Offline Boonjob

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Re: Future school locations / possible builds...
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2011, 12:10:02 »
It be most welcomed;and would definetly be used... whether as a sump or display for a smaller classroom
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Offline cyberwollf

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Re: Future school locations / possible builds...
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2011, 12:27:50 »
Its an older laminated mdf stand some water damage on corners and stuff... but its free :)  I get back in town on 25th. 
75G Mixed Reef w/ 30G sump/refuge

Electrical Engineers do it on impulse, with faster rise times, with more power, and less resistance at higher frequencies, without shorts, until it Hertz

Offline Boonjob

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Re: Future school locations / possible builds...
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2011, 12:35:10 »
Sounds great, I even think the bethel build could benefit from it at this point as todd would have the ability to move around some of the curent equipment and put it up for display as the operating fuge.
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Offline lazylivin

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Re: Future school locations / possible builds...
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2011, 13:04:45 »
I love it Cody. We can also do Garage sale to raise money. One of our sponsors would probably allow us to purchase equipment at cost for the school as well.

Offline Todd W.

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Re: Future school locations / possible builds...
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2011, 13:17:37 »
Uhhhhhh, we are barely getting by with one tank.  As of right now all of the equipment and most of the livestock at the school is mine.

I suggest we concentrate on focusing on the maintenance and sustainment of one project right now...

I have received a donation from Gerbers and Coral Ranch.  Most of the Gerbers money was spent on salt.  Coral Ranch donated 3 fish, 1 shrimp, hermits and snails.

We need to bed down this project before starting others.

Offline Boonjob

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Re: Future school locations / possible builds...
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2011, 13:33:23 »
Completely agree... however I never stated I am trying to start another project at this given moment(just the owner of the tanks are looking to get rid of them now)... I stated a good goal(imo) would be 1 a year... bethel is the first, and this is the 1st year... This is mostly to coordinate the "project in whole" not to just benefit one build... I feel we need to organize some sort of fun raiser for the bethel build to finish it off(we can discuss this)

Additionally, from the results I am seeing from the Bethel Build; I beleive we need to make sure a tank/supplies are completely covered before proceeding with any build. With that being stated these additional tanks would be stored until they are made complete, and then we will select the location for build and carry it out. So there  is no scarmbling to get support on a running tank. Doing this would allow us to plan and gain support for the tank(s) a year+ ahead of it's build date.

I plan to start assembling these tanks when I receive them(Bethel included), however I do not expect us to implement any more builds until bethel is made complete.
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Offline Todd W.

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Re: Future school locations / possible builds...
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2011, 13:53:07 »
Yep I completely agree with you Cody  ;D

I think that we need to get a good plan together.  I rushed getting this tank started as the school year was starting...

How do you think that we should work on the current build?

Offline Boonjob

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Re: Future school locations / possible builds...
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2011, 16:20:21 »
I am unfortunately, not very familiar with that area at all... However if we can figure out what kinda of options are available it could better help us choose which one(s) we wish to go with...

Is this class an ellective class or is the entire student body required to take it? I doubt they(school) would let us, but the most effective way to get a boost in funds for the tank would be to have the kids themselves actually help us. A candy bar or sub fund raiser should bring in a good amount of money to finish it off, I am very familiar with both these forms of fundraisers... We can ask the teacher/principle if this would be an option(though as I stated earlier most school's limit the amount of fundraisers, so they don't "burden" the surronding area with multiple fund raisiers) still doens't hurt to ask though...

Another option would be to get a list of "charitable" organizations in that area, churches ETC and see if we can tag along with and form of meal function with them for a split of the proceeds to help the class tank. (If you have a church or organization in mind please share, however we can obtain a list from the IRS in the area on their site)

I can check with the MOOSE and see if they would be willing to do a similiar function as well by supplying the location and kitchen and if we could keep the proceeds or split it with them as well.

The garage sale idea is a good one, especially if we can get a good location... there are plenty of options we just need to narrow our options...

Carshows, car washes, bake offs... It ususally helps to have the fundraiser coincide with what we do, but we are kinda limited there :)

If you want to sit down at the next meeting or so we could really draw up a nice plan for this.... I think that the fundraisers we do in the area should be placed in a holding for ALL of the tanks and not specifically one tank... also a percentage of the proceeds needs to be put aside for maintenance and upkeep on all of the tanks... so instead of having a bucket of salt at every class, we can just keep a few at the care providers house for all the surronding schools. We can unify our salt selection this way and buy in bulk to save even more...

It would not be a bad idea to draw up a standard stocking guide and equipment list... so each tank is not that far from identical to each other... this would lower maintenance and make things easier to replace... if we have the stocked funds we can buy spare parts for emergency purposes and those parts will work on more than 1 tank(ie if we use the same pump on all tanks 1 impellar replacement will cover them all in case of emerency).

We should look towards low impact at first, lets just focus on getting these tanks in the rooms at first, we can stock and upgrade them later... FOWLR I think is a great starting place... and we can gear it for coral down the road... we dont need to try to run sps in these things right away. if we choose coral, we can do some beginners with little requirements. The kids will still get the same impact but at a substaintial decrease in price and maintenance.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 16:29:26 by Boonjob »
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