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Author Topic: Coral ID  (Read 1579 times)

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Offline Miles

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Coral ID
« on: February 19, 2013, 20:08:45 »
Alright... this may turn in to a big ID thread with me trying to figure out the "cool" names for all my corals......

I've been wondering what this is for a while... it came with the tank when I bought it and I'm pretty sure I was told that it was some sort of Birds Nest, but it doesn't look like any other birds nest I've seen....

I would guess some sort of Monti (digi) but I've got some of that in my tank, and is doesn't seem to grow upwards like that, this just grows in any which direction...


Offline Neogenesis

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Re: Coral ID
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2013, 13:54:23 »
I've got a green monti digi that does that.  It doesn't seem to grow like my orange and purples do, it's all wonky like your picture. It looks very nice and if ever frag some of it, I wouldn't mind having a piece.  It almost looks like a German Blue, but that's seems to be hard to find a quality piece of these days.  When I did finally get a piece, I unintentionally killed it when my return pump started leaking voltage.

Offline Miles

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Re: Coral ID
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 14:04:39 »
Whats real interesting is that I used to have it in my rag tank under LEDs and it was pink... I moved it to the DT with MH and it changed colors. The main skeleton is pinkish, but the polyps are now purpleish.

So you think is a digi then?


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