2024 Ohio Reef Frag Swap

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Author Topic: here is a laugh!  (Read 4015 times)

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Offline erky

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here is a laugh!
« on: August 10, 2022, 20:26:37 »
i drained my 4x2ft frag tank b/c im just done in the hobby, for now, partly burnt out, and honestly the busiest in my career I have ever been.

So the tank was going to be drained and reused for a hydrophobic garden setup. Well, I drain it and walk away for the afternoon while talking on a conf call. I come out of my office walk outside and come back in after cutting the grass, BOOM a smell is in the kitchen air (my tank is in the basement) its hot yucky thick air that smells like burning electric/ozone! Oh boy its panic time, who is on fire! I put it together right before i open the basement door and the heater was still on just COOOOOOOOKING. Nothing was on fire or melted.

3 days go by, i fill the frag tank with water and i notice it is taking a while to fill, the ro/di system is a 150g per day unit so i was guessing 3 hours total to fill it, well 4 hours later i see not much is going on, and then i hear a drip. the damn glass under the overflow is cracked, how on earth did that happen... i could not figure it out then my all knowing wife tells me didnt that heater get really hot. Im like angry at this point b/c that is exactly what happened! The heater broke my frag tank... now 2nd hobby is ruined. I tried to flex seal the crack and no luck so i guess im more angy than anything, lol!

oh well,

who needs some tangs I have 3 and 2 clowns i want to rehome.

Offline jonnyreef

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Re: here is a laugh!
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2022, 17:14:45 »
I saw your post about closing down your frag tang and that you are selling some tangs . I was wondering what type of tangs they are.

Offline erky

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Re: here is a laugh!
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2022, 09:17:24 »
i have a sailfin, yellow, and tomini tangs. all very healthy and the sailfin if pretty large now! all fish are at least 5 years old.

Offline soldiers4christ50

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Re: here is a laugh!
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2022, 21:20:57 »
Sounds like the luck I have been having getting the used ro system I got working. Hooked it up and it leaked in several places. Fixed the leaks only to screw the middle filter to tight and cracked it. Ordered a new one and arrived today cracked as well. Should have just bought new I guess lol.

Offline erky

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Re: here is a laugh!
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2022, 14:35:17 »
my pm's are open now


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