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Author Topic: Marine Ich  (Read 3895 times)

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Marine Ich
« on: February 13, 2009, 18:56:26 »
losing battle   I have been dealing with it for two weeks now. Tank have been running fine for 2 months and now this outbreak.     I am treating with a Product from Jacks (NO-ICH).    I have a 150g with a 25g sump/fuge, SeaClone Skimmer, 150# of liverock.  I lost my Powder Brown Tang after 2 days of treatment. Now up to date I have lost 5 fish total.  The few I have left are showing signs of improvement but I am still worried.  I have not been running my skimmer since treatment and have done water changes.   All my reading are testing ok 
amm   0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
ph      8.2

I dont have another tank up and running but I can get one running for treatment.  Just wondering what my best bet would be to do??   

Offline Viggen

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Re: Marine Ich
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 19:59:30 »
I am not familar with that product at all.  I have always used (with excellent results) coppersafe however it wouldn't work in your tank due to being copper.  If the fish you have left are doing better you might be OK.... just pay close attention to them.  If they do take a turn for the worse get the QT tank running & put the fish in there ASAP.  Again I use/prefer coppersafe partially due to overdosing being about impossible. 

300g tub o fish

Offline jjw2121

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Re: Marine Ich
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2009, 20:36:06 »
Try soaking the food in garlic extract.  I had a little out break a few years back and that helped significantly.

Offline yinyang

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Re: Marine Ich
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2009, 01:37:27 »
try this!
soak your foods  with garlic extract,vitachem & selcon,then feed your fish,plus a cleaner shrimp ,cleaner wrasse should do it
it works great for me

Offline Joel

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Re: Marine Ich
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2009, 07:18:40 »
Products such as no ich , kick ich, rid ick and clones rarely work well (if at all) and seem to be very slow about decreasing parasite populations. I doubt the use of this product will cure what ever parasite your dealing with before the parasite kills the rest of your fish.

The use of garlic extract or vitamin supplements soaked into your fish food is not a bad idea. This practice helps the fishes natural defense / immune system deal with the parasites better. This method can work well in the beginning stages of  parasite out brakes, the fishes boosted immune system reduces the parasites ability to successfully prey on the fish. As a result, the parasite is unsuccessful at completing it's life cycle and doesn't reproduce into an enormous population. Again, I think it is a good idea to soak your foods in garlic / vitamin supplements to help strengthen your fish but at this stage, I don't think this is going to be the solution. It sounds as if the parasite population has grown quite large and may need some intervention.

Definitely, setting up a stable quarantine system would be the best option but I stress the the term, stable. A quarantine system is not all that different from any other aquarium that if not fully established, it will quickly develop ammonia & nitrites.

Removing your fish from the aquarium although not the most conveinent option, is probibly the best one. Removing the fish from an environment with an active parasite alone can cure them, sometimes with out the use of any medications. Additionally, removing the fish from the aquarium removes the host that the parasite was thriving off of, this can "cure / rid" the aquarium of the active parasite population.

Read thru this link about parasite treatment;   http://www.ohioreef.com/index.php?topic=1761.0

Another option could be large scale water changes & simultaneously vacuuming your substrate, this can work wonders on parasite out brakes. This method can decrease their population significantly and have an improvement on the overall environment. This is something that I would do repeatedly, daily if you have the time and water mixed up, a 25% at a time over several days is not out of the question. If you currently do not have corals, snails, shrimp, etc. lowering your specific gravity down to 1.010 or slightly lower over a period of a few days can work also  to help at decreasing the parasites ability to thrive. This lowering of the specific gravity can be done co-currently with performing the water changes. (remove water while vacuuming the substrate and replace with water with a lower S.G.) Not knowing what all is in your aquarium and what your future plans are for this tank, I don't know if lowering your S.G. is an option though. If you have inverts or your planning for this aquarium to be a "reef" type this is not something that I would do. If it's just a FOWLR aquarium, it may be ok.

Hope this info helps and good luck.



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Re: Marine Ich
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2009, 22:29:21 »
Ok I have got all my fish in QT.  I just took water from main tank and put it in the QT and plan on doing water changes daily.  I and getting some coppersafe to treat with.  How long should I leave fish in QT before the parasite dies off or reduces greatly in display tank?   

Offline Joel

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Re: Marine Ich
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2009, 06:59:16 »
Ok I have got all my fish in QT.  I just took water from main tank and put it in the QT and plan on doing water changes daily.  I and getting some coppersafe to treat with.  How long should I leave fish in QT before the parasite dies off or reduces greatly in display tank?   

If you take the time to read the link supplied in my above post, it is covered in great detail how to quarantine your fish.

A product other than coppersafe would be a better choice. If your doing water changes to the QT tank, you will need to be testing your and adjusting your copper level daily to keep it in a therapeutic value. You can not just add copper at the manufactures suggested dose and know that you have the copper at a therapeutic value, you must test it. You can easily over or under dose with this type of med, either situation puts your fish at great risk.

Read this, it is very clear on what you should do




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