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Offline rayviv

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« on: April 29, 2009, 11:21:25 »
Does anyone know if red sea coral pro ever responded to that complaint over metal in it?

Also, whats the better of Reef Crystals or SeaChem?
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Re: salt
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2009, 12:45:57 »
I dont think it was the salt!ive never had a prob. with it just what some peeps were saying???i still think its awsome!!!!!

Offline rayviv

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Re: salt
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 13:23:15 »
I think Nickie along w/others found metal pieces in it. She had contacted manufacture but no response.
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Re: salt
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 18:35:16 »
To answer the question regarding the salt, no, I never heard back.  I found several other people on ReefCentral and on this website as well with the exact same problem (some found visible metal, others did not...regardless as to whether it was the metal that was the problem doesn't matter...the salt was bad.)  When we switched salts, everything went back to being fine.

I don't think the salt mix was necessarily bad as itself...but I think at a minimum there was something that bothered my tank...and with as high demand tank I'm running, it's quite possible that *something* killed them.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 19:15:30 by verper »

Offline rayviv

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Re: salt
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2009, 22:43:39 »
tanks 4 the chime-in. that enough to keep me from it. I'm going to try this SeaChem for awhile.
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Re: salt
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2009, 06:13:48 »
So far I'm loving the SeaChem, but the buckets that Scott and I initially received were pretty low in magnesium...just keep that in mind.  I'd test if I were you.

Offline rayviv

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Re: salt
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2009, 11:24:02 »
Tanks again. I still have about 1/2 bucket of red sea coral pro and cant afford to pitch it. But I'm watching it real close with my good eye.
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Re: salt
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2009, 15:28:28 »
My conclusion on the RSCP is this,

RSCP uses salt straight from the ocean, and the manufacturers claim that their salt has all of the trace elements that the ocean has, including gold.  My thought is...well, we don't know what all of the trace elements do for sea-life.  I'm sure there are elements in RSCP that are used in the ocean, but aren't utilized in our aquariums (due to the fact that we don't keep one of every ocean creature in our aquariums.)  There are also probably some elements that are toxic, but the water volume of the ocean dilutes the toxicity. 

Everyone I've talked to that has had the same problem as me has had a very high coral-load...and was performing large frequent water changes.  My theory is that the large frequent water changes of RSCP were dumping some element into the tank that was, in small doses benign, but in large doses, toxic.  Heavier elements may not have been removed in the process of water changing (or they were bonding/absorbing into other surfaces) causing a build-up.

Just my theory...can't be proved or negated (easily).  The only other thing I can say is that I have no evidence suggesting that RSCP is detrimental to low coral-load tanks.  Even before this incident happened to me, I questioned the concept of a salt that came directly from the ocean (yes, I know it's cleaned and stuff...but I meant the contents of the salt.) 

Offline rayviv

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Re: salt
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2009, 15:55:08 »
The fact that they would not respond is enough for me to question where my loyalty as a customer should lie.  Another thing is that if we use, lets say, the same gasoline in our car all the time then there is a problem w/gas you'll have same problem. Where if you switch and use different gas from different stations your less likely to have injector or gumming up problems. Seems the same should apply in supplies, such as salt.

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Offline Wall_Tank

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Re: salt
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2009, 20:13:58 »
I think every manufacturer has issues from time to time.  Best to check parameters when you mix up your first batch.

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Re: salt
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2009, 22:14:34 »
I usually check parameters...and in each case, the RSCP checked perfectly (which is why I used it & recommended it.)  Although the SeaChem isn't checking right on the bucket I got...my tank is doing better with it.

Offline Wall_Tank

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Re: salt
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2009, 22:51:26 »
So since I just bought two buckets of Red Sea....  and your scaring me.  What symptoms did you have in your tank?

I have been using oceanic salt for about 3 years, which has been very good and clean salt.  I just got tired of the Alk and Ca being so far out of whack.   And the Mg was low too.   Just to much correction on every batch of water.

Offline verper

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Re: salt
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2009, 05:39:18 »
Nothing in particular, just a slow, steady decline in the health and look of the tank.   I had some caps and acros die a slow death and was testing for everything, but every parameter was within its limits.  Wierd part is other coral were looking just fine, with no signs of stress.   Within a day of switching to a different salt, everything in the tank perked back up.  Another wierd thing is that it doesn't seem to affect everyone's tank that uses it.  I just know that it affected mine.

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Re: salt
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2009, 06:02:56 »
Exactly what Scott said.  Except...I performed massive water changes trying to fix the tank...with the RSCP...which made my tank pretty much crash.  I lost a lot of stuff.

Offline UDJustin

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Re: salt
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2009, 10:29:09 »
I used RSCP salt for the past six months to nine months or so never had any problems with it at all honestly, it always gave me great levels, I did recently swith salts just because it became a hassle to get the RSCP salt, other than that I really like it.
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Re: salt
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2009, 10:34:40 »
I used RSCP salt for the past six months to nine months or so never had any problems with it at all honestly, it always gave me great levels, I did recently swith salts just because it became a hassle to get the RSCP salt, other than that I really like it.

Same here.  Now how many people that were having problems with salt this are using 2part to dose there tank with? The reason i ask is because it seams like the people that were having problems with this salt were also dosing 2part. I wounder if there was some kind of chemical reaction going on between the rscp and 2 part?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2009, 10:37:06 by slandis3 »

Offline UDJustin

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Re: salt
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2009, 11:49:59 »
yeah i used kalk no two part here, but i think scott has a calcium reactor if im not mistaken.
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Re: salt
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2009, 11:53:08 »
i think he was using 2 part for a while

Offline rayviv

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Re: salt
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2009, 13:39:47 »
newbe question. When you say,"checking right on the bucket", exactly what do you mean. Is that printed info or testing  water/salt mix sample? And what is 2 part. Thanks
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Re: salt
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2009, 16:32:03 »
I'm not sure what is meant by "checking right on the bucket", but I test the levels of most of the saltwater I make, each bucket individually, to make sure that the levels are within "normal parameters." 

Two-part is the nickname for a dosing regimen consisting of magnesium chloride/magnesium sulfate, sodium (bi)carbonate, and calcium chloride (it's technically a 3-part). 

The other people I found on Reef Central used a combination of limewater, 2-part, and/or calcium reactors.  I used two part, and actually switched suppliers of the chemicals midway through having problems because I suspected the 2-part LONG before I suspected the salt.  Changing the 2-part had no effect (in fact, I'm still using the same 2-part solution I made during that time with no ill effect).  Scott at some point changed to a calcium reactor, though I don't know when. 

If we try to suspect the 2-part solution...how is that more suspect than RSCP salt?  At least RSCP salt has only a couple of suppliers locally...and then keeps track of batch numbers.  I use baking soda (food grade purity...obtained through various grocery stores...small boxes to keep batch problems to a minimum).  I can bet 99% that anyone else using baking soda to dose probably didn't get the same batch number as me.  I use epsom salts (food grade purity...obtained through various grocery stores, small bags as well).  Once again, I can bet pretty highly (although not as highly as baking soda since it isn't a product used as much) that no one else using that to dose had the same batch.  My magnesium chloride came from both Buckeye Field Supply and Bulk Reef Supply.  I can't speak for the BFS source, but I know that the BRS source came from a very large high purity source.  I'm sure lots of people are using the same batch I am throughout the U.S.  The calcium chloride came from BRS in two different batches...both of a high purity source.  Once again, I'm sure lots of people are using the same batches there.

Now, statistically speaking, how likely is it that me and a few other people all had the exact same combination/batch at the same time of 2-part solution versus a bad batch of salt?  There are so many variables in the 2-part solution that I find it extremely hard to believe we had the same batches of stuff...whereas we ALL were using RSCP.

As far as RSCP causing some sort of chemical reaction with two-part solution?  Chemically, the only bad reaction that I know of that could possibly occur is the build-up of sulfates, but that's been proven to be negligible in an aquarium setting except over long periods of neglect.  Regardless, I even quit dosing magnesium sulfate for a while to make sure that wasn't the problem.  In fact, I quit dosing each thing at a different time to see which one could've been bad.  The tank never recovered a bit while I wasn't dosing one versus the other.

The ONLY thing in common between all of us that I can find, was that IMMEDIATELY, after we changed salt brands, our tanks looked better. 

I find it interesting how several people are determined to *prove* several people botched up somewhere else.  We have no solid evidence one way or the other.  I am not out to destroy Red Sea...and neither are the other people that lost their tanks or corals from this problem.  My biggest question is why are some people so protective of a salt, especially when I never even received a courtesy reply saying, "We're sorry about your loss, but we have no reported problems"? 

If your tank is performing fine on RSCP, great!  If you're happy with it, stay with it!  I used RSCP for about 1.5 years with great results.  However, as soon as I started a new bucket, my tank immediately went downhill...and recovered upon changing to a different salt.  Who knows, maybe I'll try it again some day in the future.  The whole point of my previous thread about this was for BUYER AWARENESS. 

Please keep in mind our intentions when we post about our experiences, and remember that we lost animals near and dear to ourselves.   

Offline UDJustin

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Re: salt
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2009, 16:55:02 »
I dont think anyone is trying to prove you wrong nikki I was suggesting I had never had a problem with it, when you see someone on the forum say oh no I'm scared to use that salt now because you are having problems, I was merley pointing out that I have used it and have not had any problems with it, I even pointed out that I didn't think scott used two part  while using the salt.
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Re: salt
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2009, 16:56:08 »
First off my post was not to *prove* anything nor am I protective of anything. I am simply woundering if there was a connection. Thats all. No need to get bent out of shape no one is calling anyone out here. Just a simple question thats it.

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Re: salt
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2009, 17:00:12 »
I've received a few interesting PM's and emails regarding us being wrong, so I wanted to try to clear that up to the general public.  No bent out of shape here, just giving a full answer to some of the correspondence I've received.  I don't care if I'm wrong...as long as there's a full justification why.  Nothing is worse than being told you're wrong, with no justification.  Justin and Mike, nothing was directed at you, don't worry.  :)  You both have given me many things to think about, and I appreciate that.

Offline verper

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Re: salt
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2009, 20:47:04 »
Something that has come to mind on my end while using RSCP is that I was keeping my Alk at the low end of normal (7-8 Dkh) because at one time I was vodka dosing.  At first I suspected the vodka dosing as the cause of my problems.  I had great results vodka dosing prior to starting the use of RSCP.  Once I switched, it was a slow, steady decline and I stopped the vodka dosing.  Stopping did nothing to improve the tank.  I know aquavista99 has had great results with the RSCP, but he uses a calcium reactor and kalkwasser so you know he has high Alk.  Nikki has been fighting low Alk for a while because of her smaller tank. 

So the question is:
"What Alk do the rest of you that are using RSCP run?" 

If you are all at 9 Dkh or higher, maybe its the lower alk.  Just a thought.

Offline Wall_Tank

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Re: salt
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2009, 21:15:23 »
Salt usually brings out the passion in people   :)

 I use a Calc Reactor, but the effluent flow is set very low right now.  I run Kalk at night via a dosing pump.   I've been fighting low Alk for some time.  But probably due to running Oceanic salt, it's way out of balance with Kalk being very low side.   I adjust alk imbalance with Baking Soda.   My next batch of salt water is going to be RSCP, so I'll cross my fingers.

As I read all of these responses, I have a few questions too.

1)  When doing water changes, what % of the tank volume do you change?
2)  What form of nutrient export is being used?
3)  How long ago did these problems occur with RSCP?


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